•Mystery Boy Part 2•

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The Katsuki Household
2:00 p.m.

Somehow, we had gotten everyone to sit down at the table and eat lunch.

That being something that the Katsuki's were unsuccessful with.

Considering the fact that we had two hyper little girls who couldn't care less about roasted turkey.......

And we had two men who just wanted to watch taped football games and finish beer.......

Topping it all off with three, now four women who could talk for hours in the kitchen about everything and nothing.

But it wasn't hard to figure out what had gotten us to sit down together normally.

Because of course, it was the platinum haired mystery boy that we had entertained ourselves with for the last couple hours.

"Mrs. Katsuki, this turkey is wonderful! I don't think I've ever had a meal that's been this good," Victor said amazed, as I watched my mom tried to hide the fact that she was freaking out.

Even Lucya, who had just joined the family reunion, was losing her mind at how amazing a turkey could taste.

If there was anything that made my mom happy, it was when people loved her food.

I remember how I used to help her in the kitchen, music on the radio and the skillet steaming.......

And how she used to always say "let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food."

And well, it seemed that Victor was "letting his food be thy medicine."

"I bet that's not the only meal of my daughters that you've enjoyed," soba said jokingly as I immediately looked at Victor, who was trying not, to choke on his turkey.

Pretty much the whole table laughing, minus the two innocents, as I tried not to suffocate myself with a blush.

God, as if they didn't know that I knew they were talking about me.

"Oh, classy, soba. Very classy," I said as I watched Victor recover, his cheeks still red as hell and the rest of his turkey untouched.

"Well darling, I'm so glad you like it!" my mom said to Victor as a way to change the conversation, god bless her soul. "The secret ingredient is putting in enough butter so it melts in your stomach."

Out of the corner of my eyes, I caught Aimi's hand in the process of grabbing her sixth roll, my own hand slapping hers away playfully as she did so.

"You've already had five!" I whispered to her as she giggled, leaning back in her chair defeated.

"Victor's had six though!" bringing out her defensive tone as Victor joined in on the conversation, leaning over me to prove his case.

I knew Aimi wasn't lying when I caught a flash of guilt on Victor's face.

It was a mystery how he managed to maintain his annoyingly perfect body, but I wasn't complaining.

"Wha, I have not!"

"Have too!"

"Okay, okay, lets calm down....."

"I've only had two, Yu Yu!" Kaori whined as she left her seat and jumped on my back, which was a sign that both girls were losing patience.

And I knew the only thing on their minds was opening presents.

Like every other kid in the world on Christmas Day.

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