•Our Song•

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Christmas Eve

Yuri's Point Of View

The Holidays.

The time of year in which everything and everyone seems to fall into this unspoken, mutual happiness.

And the dazzling lights, evergreen scents, and constant smiles are what decorate the streets throughout the world.

It is, undoubtedly, the most wonderful time of the year.

It had to be.

They wouldn't sing those songs about chestnuts roasting on an open fire if it wasn't.

But those chestnuts and smells of pine were in no way the reason as to why the holidays were so wonderful.

I believed that what truly made the holidays special.......

Were the people you spent it with.

Whether it was your family, your friends, your love.....

The connections that make us simply......


That make us happy.

Make us feel found.

And those very same connections are what make these months so worth the wait.

So worth the empty winter and the rainy spring and the scorching summer and the smoky fall......

So worth the feeling of that first day in November, the month in which everything comes together perfectly.

But these connections we find can sometimes be hard to obtain.

Some are broken, some are unrequited, and some are hopelessly impossible........

For years, it seemed that my relationships could only fall into those ways.

Neglect, emptiness, sadness..........


The words I knew all too well.

But things have changed.

And my connections have changed.

The words in my head holding a new meaning.

I feel as if my life is brand new and I am reliving what should have been lived in the first place.

I see things differently, I feel things differently....

I love differently.

And the answer as to why I feel this way is so simple.

I did not have to take a single second to figure out what had already been understood from the beginning.

Because the man I loved was right in front of me.

Snowflakes dusting his cheeks, his hair blowing in the Russian air......

And his winter blue eyes looking right back at me as he pulled me down the festive cobblestone streets of.......

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