•If Only You Knew•

553 39 90

Yuri's Point Of View

"There's a Masquerade Ball tomorrow night at Metropol Hall and I need you there. I'd love for you to meet some friends of mine now that you're in Russia finally."

"Tomorrow night?"

"Is that a problem?"

"N-No, it's just....."

I'll be there."

I looked at my reflection in the crystal clear mirror, observing the flaws of the white suit that hugged my frame.

I had lost count of how many suits I had put on and taken off and hung back up and blah blah blah........

Kill me now.

A deep sigh came out of my mouth as my legs complained with tiredness and my eyes begged for sleep.

When my dad said that he had something to talk to me about, I didn't know that it would turn into a shopping trip.

Or that I would actually attend a Masquerade Ball before I died.

Weren't those things only in the movies and the cliche novels?


But of course my dad would have an invite to some posh, uptight Masquerade where people drank champagne and pretended like their lives meant something.

When really all they meant was for their lives to focus on money and success.

And of course he would take me along with him so I could be shown off as some trophy son.

A trophy that he didn't even consider a trophy himself.

And he most certainly didn't treat me like a son.

"Yuri, what's taking you so damn long?" my dad's voice echoed over my dressing room, his impatience becoming clear as I leaned against the wall and toyed with the stupid bow tie.

"Dad, I don't understand why we're doing this. Can't I just wear that suit you gave me a couple weeks ago?" I yelled over the door, hoping he caught on to my bored tone of voice.

"Well, I don't know what part of "Masquerade Ball" you don't understand, but this isn't just another night out on the town. It's formal."

Oh, my mistake.

I guess I just assumed that a $3,000 Stuart Hughes suit would be formal.

How awful of me!

At this point, I was just angry.

And I knew it was showing.

"Well, are you just gonna hide in the dressing room all day and complain or am I gonna have to pick out a suit for you?!" Akio said as his voice came closer, clearly just as eager as I was to leave.

Was he serious?

This was his idea in the first place!

I would've gladly turned down this invitation and accepted another.

In fact, I did have another.

I could be at Victor's apartment right now, doing god knows what but instead.........

I was picking out a suit that cost god knows how much.

All of a sudden, I heard my phone go off and I looked down to find the devil himself lighting up my phone screen.

What a fucking relief.

My dad's overbearing personality and endless supply of suits were suffocating me completely.

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