chapter two; foolishly regret-filled song

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"The classroom hallways get farther away
I'm on unfamiliar paths
I'm so unlucky
On this path I'm on
I don't even have a map
But I never want to turn around
It's a maze
Shedding blood sweat instead of blood tears
I comfort myself"
-stray kids

Felix headed outside. That letter was from ten years ago.. Why did it show up again?


Felix turned around. "CHANGBIN!" He yelled, excitedly, and gave him a brotherly hug. Changbin had arrived back yesterday night from his summer vacation to Hawaii. "How was the trip, Binbin?"

"Ew, stop calling me that." Changbin gave Felix a disgusted face. Then he broke into a smile. "There were tons of girls! You should come with me next time. I can introduce some to you."

"I'm not interested." Felix replied.

"Is it because of Hyejin?"

Felix's eyes widened. "You still remember her?"

"Yo, she was the sweetest girl back in elementary school! You guys were the cutest couple."

"We were not a couple."

"Whatever. Everyone shipped you two. And she confessed to you." Changbin responded.

"Stop lying.. She never confessed to me."

"She wrote a letter to you. You didn't read it?"

"What letter—" He paused for a moment and then took out the letter from his pocket.

"Oh my god. That's it! Why did you bring it to school..?" Felix ignored Changbin and tried to open the envelope, trying his best not to rip it.

"Felix, Changbin! How was your vacation?" A voice said. They looked up to see Somin.

Changbin's smile grew and he patted her head. "Hey Minnie ♡." Somin gave him one of her sweet smiles. Felix had confirmed his suspicions of Changbin and Somin dating. He put one arm around her waist. "See you after school!" Changbin said to Felix.

Somin glanced back at Felix. "Oh no, let's walk with him. He will be all alone if we leave him."

"But you told me you had something to tell me.."

"It's okay~ ♡ I'll tell you after school."

"Oh yeah.. I forgot to tell you.. I'm heading to Felix's immediately after school."

"I can't come?" She asked.

"Sorry." Felix interrupted. "You guys can walk without me. I have to stop by somewhere." Felix said, and he ran off.

" Felix said, and he ran off

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(A/N: whoooooshh ♡)

It was actually just an excuse to go to school earlier and read the letter. He reached into his pocket. "Crap." He bent down to look. "Ah, whatever. It's just a letter from ten years ago. What's so important about it now."

Someone tapped his shoulder. "Is this yours?" A girl asked.

"Oh. Um, yeah. Thanks."

"My name is Yeseul. I guess we're classmates this year." She smiled.

Felix recognized her. "Oh! You're the girl from the bus stop!"

"Haha, you remember me! I feel relieved now. I hope we get along!"

"Me too." Felix said and sat down on his seat. He sighed and finally opened the envelope.
(A/N: # is for the text that got smudged)

September 04

Felix! Ever since ############ I started liking you... I honestly don't know why.. I liked squishing your chubby cheeks and I liked it when you tried to give me piggy back rides and we fell on the grass. It was fun even when we got several bruises. How is Thomas? (In case you forgot, I named the bruise you got when you slipped on a banana peel, Thomas. :) I hope you feel the same way! My mom only helped with my spelling. Ask her if you don't believe me. ^~^

Park Hyejin

(A/N: can someone help me modify this letter bc I think I made it too cringey and cifjejj i don't really like cringey things ^^)

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