chapter forty-one;

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"The thing is, Hyejin... I've liked you since months ago but I couldn't bring myself to tell you. You don't need to feel bad if you reject me."

Hyejin couldn't hear the rest of what he said because he was talking so fast. "Sorry. I don't like you. I have to go. Bye."

Her friends in the background screamed. "Yas Hyejin! The third boy you've rejected this year!"

Hyejin smiled. So much has happened in just two years.

She and Nayeon used to talk on the phone or text often, but they started talking less and less everyday. One day, they suddenly just stopped talking. And Changbin debuted in a hip-hop rap group. Can you believe who else was there? Han Jisung and Bang Chan! Hyejin was a bit disappointed because she didn't see Felix. She hasn't heard of him since the day he left as a trainee. Other than that, she made many friends. She broke out of her shell and opened up. Also, today was the last moving day. Her cousin, Chaeyeon, came back to Korea with Hyunjin, her boyfriend. Chaeyeon seems much brighter and happier. She does occasionally insult Hyejin, but in a joking manner. Chaeyeon has also managed to forgive her father, Hyejin's uncle. Instead of living with her uncle, Hyejin is going to move in with Chaeyeon and Hyunjin.

She waved at her friends. "I'll go now!"

She crossed to street and there was a crowd of people surrounding nine girls. Hyejin waved at the one wearing a red beret and had blue contact lenses.

Nayeon waved back and people started going crazy.

"Ohmygod. Nayeon eonnie waved at the girl over there! She's so lucky!"

Hyejin smiled and went on her on way.

Hyejin and Hyunjin were bringing boxes inside the truck.

"Hyejinnie. Why don't you get a boyfriend already so Hyunjin won't be the only one lifting boxes."

Hyejin rolled her eyes. "I lift boxes too. Why do people need a boyfriend anyways? I can do just fine on my own." Chaeyeon sighed and left her alone.

Hyunjin laughed. "Okay. Chaeyeon and Hyejinnie stay here. I'll just bring these to the other house." Chaeyeon nodded and waved. She headed immediately to the kitchen to find some snacks after Hyunjin drove away.

Hyejin took a walk around the neighborhood. My last time here.


"I found you

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"I found you." He sighed in relief. Sweat dripped from his head.

"I missed you."

Hyejin was speechless. She couldn't say anything. She couldn't move either. She felt dizzy. Please don't let me lose conscious. What if I lose him again? Let me stay awake. Please don't let this be a dream. I don't want to leave him ever again.

"Wait. I'll come to you." He said as he ran to Hyejin and wrapped his arms tightly around her.

"This isn't a dream, right?"

"Of course not."

"I love you, Felix." Hyejin said, softly. But there was no reply. Hyejin moved away from him to see tears falling from his face. "What's wrong?"

"I'm so sorry."

Young Wings; Lee Felix Stray Kids (#Wattys2018)Where stories live. Discover now