chapter twenty-five; the clock strikes midnight

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(A/N: short chapter cuz author's block 😞😢)

"So um.. I.." Felix began. "I know you really like brownies and my mom baked a lot and she asked if you could come over."

(a/n: hahhah not today 😎)

"Sure! Her brownies are the best!" Yuna smiled.

Hyejin was sitting on the soccer field listening to Yeseul talk with a few other girls. No one noticed she was gloomy. After the dismissal bell rang, Hyejin headed home, alone. It started pouring when she was a few streets away from her house. She stopped in her steps while her hair got wet and her clothes were soaked. She saw Yuna and Felix walking together.

Hm.. I should be happy for them.. Felix took out an umbrella from his bag and opened it up to cover Yuna and himself. She didn't realize her tears were leaving her eyes again, blending in with the raindrops.

 She didn't realize her tears were leaving her eyes again, blending in with the raindrops

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"It was about ten years ago, after all. His feelings would obviously change by then. What was I hoping for?"

"Oh my gosh! Yuna!! It's been so long! Look at you, you've become so beautiful!" Felix's mother awed.

"Thank you! You're still pretty as always, Mrs. Lee!"

Felix's mother had a wide smile on her face, and that smile then turned into a smirk. "Are you guys a thing, yet?"

Yuna smiled and blushed. "Geez, mom. I'm 17."

Felix's mother whispered, "Please find a significant other. I have hope in you, unlike Jenny. She's so old and she never had a boyfriend in her life! All she does is munch on snacks on the couch while watching T.V."

"I heard that!" Felix's older sister, Jenny, shouted. They could hear her munching on chips and some Korean drama on. Yuna laughed.


Just when Hyejin arrived home, drenched, her phone rang

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Just when Hyejin arrived home, drenched, her phone rang.

"Hello? Is this Park Hyejin? This is #### hospital."

"Yes.. Is there something wrong with my uncle?"

"No, we just wanted to let you know that he can be released from the hospital in about a week."

"Ah, okay. I'll come see him soon."

"Alright. Have a nice day."

"You too."

(A/N: I literally need to learn new words and be more descriptive. Yikes.)

Does he like her or not?

Find out in the next chapter :))

Young Wings; Lee Felix Stray Kids (#Wattys2018)Where stories live. Discover now