chapter twenty-seven; im not glad to see it today

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(A/N: have you guys watched unnie's slam dunk season 2? it's so good ;-; i demand a season 3 😭 at first I watched it for somi but I love every member that was on it (even their teachers) and I hope they appear again ;-;) (also I liked how everyone loved the male vocal teacher but I'm here like omg the female dance teacher is so pretty I need her social media ASAP)
(Also thank you for 4K reads ❤️❤️❤️! Let's get to 5k~)
(Also this was a chapter I forgot to upload before my 2 week break from wattpad so enjoyyy)

Hyejin was heading to the grocery store so she could learn to cook a few more meals for her uncle when he is fully recovered from the hospital. She had earbuds on but she wasn't listening to any music, that was a habit of hers. She was about to cross the street after waiting for the green light, but she felt someone's arms wrap around her shoulders. A pervert!? She turned around and was about to do some weird defense. I learned taekwondo when I was younger! I probably forgot but..

"Lee Felix? What-?" Before she could say or do anything, he embraced her.

"Park Hyejin, I like you." he confessed, quietly, with tired eyes. Her heart skipped a beat. Huh? What is this...? A confession? But he and Yuna... "Do you still like me?" He asked, calmly. Hyejin almost choked on air. IS HE HIGH? She thought, anxiously.

"Stop. I never knew you were a player, Lee Felix." She laughed, annoyed now.


"So what's up with you and Shin Yuna? Do I look like an idiot?"

He took a moment to think and he laughed. "We're not dating. Did you think we were?"

"If you weren't dating, then-" Then she was rejected?


"Then you rejected her?"

Felix smile vanished. "Why are you so curious?" He smirked. "Do you still like me?"

Hyejin didn't know what to say. "I- I need to buy some groceries." She stuttered and turned her back on him and started walking quickly. Felix didn't chase her this time.

"Park Hyejin." He called. "I'll be waiting for your answer. But please don't take too long." Hyejin blushed and ran to the grocery store without ever looking back. This is so embarrassing.

next morning at school;

Park Hyejin walked inside the classroom and glanced at Felix. He didn't say hi or look at her. The mood of the room was depressing. Yeseul went up to Hyejin and told her that Yuna is leaving Korea and heading abroad today.

"She didn't even tell us..." a girl with short, curly hair cried. She had sat next to Yuna for months. They've bonded within those few months.

A tall girl with long, light brown hair spoke up. "Wow. I will never find another good friend like her. She's so kind and humorous. Such a pity she left..."

Yeseul and Hyejin watched Joohyuk (Was that his name? The guy who kicked Baekhyun's chair) bury his face in his hands while his friends gathered around him, sadly. Yeseul snorted. "He's going to get over it and find another girl." Hyejin looked around and when she didn't see any school staff, she took her phone out and checked her messages.

Shin Yuna

Shin Yuna
Thank you for being such a kind friend and being with
me for these few months ^^
and I'm sorry for leaving without telling you guys... It was
actually a few days ago I had gotten an invitation for this
really good performing arts school in the U.S.

I've decided to take this chance to improve my singing and
dancing and perhaps I would start learning how to rap! :o

On the exact day I received the invitation I had already planned to go.
This is a one in a life time chance! Maybe I would become an idol later on
hehe ^^ I would make sure that you're the first to get my autograph ㅋㅋㅋ

Also... don't take it the wrong way! I didn't leave because Felix likes you.
I would have gone even if Felix liked me back. He knows how much
I love singing and dancing... Did he confess yet? If he didn't, don't tell him
I sent you this! Fighting!

read now

The phone slipped from Hyejin's hand, grabbing everyone's attention. "How did she know..?"

Felix walked over to her. "Are you okay?"

"Did you tell her?"

Felix picked up her phone and examined the latest message. He was shocked as well, and shook his head as in no, he didn't. "Was it that obvious..?

"I don't think so.." Hyejin muttered.

"It kinda was." Jisung interrupted, catching on. "It's just that most of the people here are just dense. No offense." And Yeseul coincidentally tilted her head, puzzled. Jisung looked at Hyejin and Felix, then to Yeseul. "Like her."

Hyejin and Felix bursted into laughter. Yeseul glared at Jisung. "Are you taking trash about me?"

"No, of course not." He replied sarcastically, earning another glare.

Young Wings; Lee Felix Stray Kids (#Wattys2018)Where stories live. Discover now