chapter nineteen; i stand on the middle of the hot, empty stage

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(A/N: I swear in BTS- crystal snow, I heard "Can I be your horn")

"Wh-why are you smiling?"

Because I could finally tell you something.

"We should hurry up."

"Tell that to yourself. I'm already dressed up." Hyejin said as-a-matter-of-fact.

Felix sighed. He ran upstairs and ran back down within three minutes. He came back with these socks.

 He came back with these socks

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Hyejin bursted into laughter. "Those socks oh my god. YOUR FEET ARE SO SMALL AND CUTE." Felix pouted and they headed to the bus stop.

Felix grabbed her wrists and walked on the bus together. When they got to their seats, Hyejin laughed her head off. "Was that really necessary?" Felix shrugged. "Can you let go of my wrist now?"

"Okay." He said, and held her hands. Hyejin's face heated up and it heated up even more when she wondered if he could notice her red face. "I mean, I did let go of your wrist."

"Geez! Promise me you shouldn't do this in the future. Your future girlfriend would smack the heck out of you." Hyejin commanded.

"What if my future girlfriend is you?" Felix asked. "Haha! Just kidding... don't take it seriously."

"I know,"

He needs to stop breaking my heart with those jokes.

It gets my hopes up

Even though we're not meant to be

Hyejin opened her eyes when she hit her head by the bus' window. She checked her watch. It was almost 8 pm. She felt something unusually heavy on her left shoulder. She turned head to see Felix sleeping with his head on her shoulder and his hair all around his face.

"Why are you so cute?" She whispered, very quietly and sorted his hair, gently, so he wouldn't know. His hair was so smooth and she wondered how he would look with ash-gray hair.

"I don't know either." He murmured, with his eyes still closed.

"Ugh. If only I knew you weren't asleep."

"You can get off my shoulder now. We've arrived." Hyejin informed him, tapping his head.

"Why are you tapping my head, you weirdo?"

"Because it's fun. Lolol." Hyejin giggled.

"Hyejin! Felix!" Minho and Chan called.

"Yoooo. Where is BinBin?"

"He went to comfort Nayeon, apparently." Minho confessed.

Hyejin frowned. "What happened to her?" How did I not know? Minho shrugged. Hyejin decided to text Nayeon as soon as possible after the party.

10 pm

There were plates with slices of cake all over the place, with sprinkles and streamers here and there. The place was a mess.

"Let's play truth or dare! You have to close your eyes and pick a piece of paper from the box and read the person's name and ask them to do a truth or a dare. If they say, truth, then everyone would have to close their eyes and you can ask the question. Basic rules." Minho suggested.

Hyejin decided to take this time to text Nayeon and skipped the game. Everyone understood. She sat in the corner and waited for Nayeon to reply.

Felix didn't really want to play. "Why? You're really good at this game. You do all the dares.." Chan said.


"Truth or dare... Yuna!" Chan exclaimed, proudly.

Some boys screamed and chanted their "fan" chant for Yuna. "Truth." Everyone closed their eyes.

"Do you have a crush?" Chan asked, and the boys took a deep breath in.

"...yes." Some boys pointed at the suspects and some hoped it would be themselves.

Yuna picked up a piece of paper from the hat. "Truth or dare... Felix!"


" I dare you to.. um.." There was a long pause.

"To eat a spoonful of ketchup." Chan said for her. Felix got up and opened the ketchup packet and just ate all of it. Some girls and boys turned away at the sight of it. After seven more rounds, they decided to do one more.

"Truth or dare... Yuna!!!" A boy named Baekhyun said, happily. Hyejin looked up from her phone.

"Aww, again? Well.. dare.."

"I dare you to hug the boy you like... if he's here! However, the boy must not tell anyone that you hugged him."


My Cute Yet Ugly Toad 💖 (Nayeon)

You okay?

My Cute Yet Ugly Toad 💖
Yeah! Why?

Changbin said he went to comfort you

My Cute Yet Ugly Toad 💖
Eidjdjdjjd okkk soooo umm
my ex's new girl saw me at the mall and kicked me

I found out she broke up with him HAHAHAHAHHA
She got dumped this time

ok but why didn't u ask me to come

My Cute Yet Ugly Toad 💖
Changbin and I were on a call together about the
movie we watched and he was like are u ok and I'm like
nOt rEallY? and he's like I'm coming over and I was like sure


My Cute Yet Ugly Toad 💖
read at 10:23 pm

(A/N: lol is anyone watching idol producer because Cai Xukun is SO ADORABLE)

(A/N: lol is anyone watching idol producer because Cai Xukun is SO ADORABLE)

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