chapter thirteen; before the night is over

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(A/N: this chapter is gonna be short.. as always uwu😴 I updated during a school day!! #proud. Thank you for your support! I'll definitely continue this book, just so you guys know❤️!)

She ran for him. She left him before, but she definitely wouldn't leave him again. After all, she hated seeing him hurt.

She bumped into many people while running after him.

"Hey! Watch it!"

"Ugh, stupid teens these days."

She ignored them. "Felix.."

At last, she saw Felix crossing the street a block away. He was walking slowly, with his head down. She ran. Even when her shoe laces untied, she continued running.


A car hit her.



He did not hear her. She saw him walking farther and farther away before everything turned black.

The next day, Felix noticed that Hyejin's seat was empty. Whatever, he thought. I don't want to see her anyways.

The day after that, he noticed that she was still absent.

"Mrs. Kim?"

"Yes, dear?" She asked, smiling brightly.

"When will we change seats?"

"Oh, yes! Good question. Attention, class! We will change seats after break because your 'friendship' project should be almost done." Mrs. Kim, their homeroom teacher announced.

"Aww, why??" One boy complained.

"What's wrong with you, Felix?" A girl asked.

Felix sighed in relief. After class ends today, there will be winter break. And after winter break, he wouldn't have to see her everyday.

Felix poured himself a cup of water. He cleaned his room. He redecorated his room. He took a shower. He sat down on his bed without blow-drying his hair. He stared at the floor for ten minutes.

She is Hyejin. Why did she leave? Why did she come back? Why did she—

"What am I doing.." He said to himself. "I need to get a life."




No. Not her. Someone else. Who?

He pushed his curtain and saw Nayeon, Hyejin's friend.

"SOMETHING HAPPENED TO HYEJIN—" She yelled. A neighbor yelled at her, but she didn't care.

He ran down the stairs.

"Took you long enough!—"

"What," He huffed. "What happened to her?"

"Apparently, her cousin called me to take care of her because she's busy. And I found out her uncle was hospitalized as well. Actually, for months." She explained.

"What happened to her?"

"Umm.. there was a car accident.. two days ago.."

"Which hospital?"

"I don't know.. she said the one closest to here— IF I KNEW, I WOULD'VE WENT THERE MYSELF. I can't stand your weird personality. Kind, then crazy. Bipolar!" He ran. "Wow." She was speechless, but just ran after him.

"Please wait five minutes." The nurse said. Nayeon nodded her head.

"Anyways," Felix turned to Nayeon. "You said something about her uncle being hospitalized. Where are her parents?"

"They...they died in a car accident. You didn't know?" His heart dropped. "She didn't tell you...?" He didn't reply. "Shit."

The nurse came out of the room. "You may go in—" Felix ran.

"Sorry.. he's crazy..." Nayeon apologized to the nurse. She swore she saw the nurse nod.

 She swore she saw the nurse nod

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"She's in coma." The nurse explained.

Felix's gaze never left Hyejin. The nurse seemed to be pitiful, then, she quietly walked out of the silent room.

"Hyejin.. wake up.." Nayeon said, as tears quickly left her eyes and fell onto the hospital blanket. She took Hyejin's hand and held them. "Please.."

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