chapter thirty-four; the genuine warmth

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"Just tell him you like him too." Nayeon said over the phone.

"Even if I say that, what will happen next?"

"What will happen next, obviously you'll date each other!"

"It just feels... strange."

"Oh, Hyejin-ah. You're just not used to these things. You're always so selfless. Friends and family over yourself. You're not used to someone caring so much for you like a family member. You deserve so much."

There was no response. Hyejin's tears were streaming down her cold face as she realizes the truth. It's been more than ten years since her parents left her. Her heart was always... empty. Everyone she loved comes and goes, leaving her... alone.

What if he leaves me, too?

I'm afraid...

I'm afraid.

"Hyejin? Hyejin, are you okay? Oh, Hyejin..."

Young Wings; Lee Felix Stray Kids (#Wattys2018)Where stories live. Discover now