chapter twenty-three; this fragile love

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February 13, 2017

Hyejin heard footsteps but she didn't want to wake up. Her eyelids were still heavy and she was so comfy. But she remembered that it was February 13.

"Should I follow her... or should I not....?"

"Fine. I'll follow her."

Hyejin went in her bathroom and looked at her reflection. "Ew." She combed her tangled hair and this was literal torture. She dumped on her black hoodie she wore when she dropped off Chaeyeon's stuff and Hyunjin's house. "I wonder how he's doing.." She put on fake glasses and white socks, and wore dark blue jeans

She slightly opened her bedroom door. She peeped out and saw Chaeyeon head downstairs. After Chaeyeon opened the front door, she ran downstairs and slipped into her white sneakers and followed Chaeyeon.

Chaeyeon was nowhere in sight! Someone tapped her right shoulder. She sweater and heated up... could it be......? She slowly turned around and saw, surprisingly, Felix.

"Oh my god, what are you doing!?" Hyejin screamed.

"I should be asking you that.. you look like you're about to stalk someone."

"I am.."

"Excuse me??"

"I'm stalking my cousin. She's meeting up with this guy and I'm kinda worried."

Felix grinned and pinched her cheeks. "Awe, that's sweet."

"Now I'm gonna just go—"

"Nope! I'm coming with you." Felix said. "In case you get kidnapped."

"Why would I get—"

He fixed his wording "True. In case you kidnap someone." She glared at him and stomped away.

"Hahaha jkjk." Felix laughed.

"Oh I see her!" Hyejin pointed at the girl next to the stop sign. Chaeyeon had short hair that reached her shoulders. Her hair grew pretty fast. A tall boy, she assumed to be Joohyuk, waved at Chaeyeon.

"Her boyfriend?" Felix asked and Hyejin shushed him. They leaned closer to them.

"No time no see, Chaeyeon."

"I want to make this quick and settle things once and for all because you never seem to get it—"

"It's been years and you still have a sharp tongue.."

"Anyways, I don't like you and I never will, so please don't get associated with me or anyone around me. Thanks." She tried to walk away but he grabbed her wrist. Hyejin noticed it was turning red.

Before Hyejin could say or do anything, Felix intervened. "Let go of her."

Chaeyeon's eyes moved to their direction. "Hyejin why are you-"

"Release your hands from her."

Joohyuk let go of Chaeyeon's wrist and took two steps back. "Wait," Chaeyeon called. "You heard that, right? You will not get associated with me or anyone around me."

"Yeah, sure, whatever." Joohyuk muttered, "Weirdos." And walked across the street with his hands in his pockets.

"Anyways! Did you two stalk me? And who are you?" She pointed at Felix.

some random café felix dragged them to:

"I'm going to live abroad. With Hyunjin."

Hyejin almost spit out her milk tea. "What?"

"That was my dream. To live abroad with someone I love. I'm leaving tonight. This is the last time I'm with you."

"Aren't you going to say goodbye to your parents?" Hyejin asked her. Chaeyeon shrugged. "Well, that's up to you."

"Are you her boyfriend?" Chaeyeon looked at Felix.

"For the millionth time, we are not dating!" Hyejin answered.

"Oh well. I'm going to leave now. Hyunjin is waiting." Chaeyeon headed to the door.

"Wait, Chaeyeon," Hyejin called. Chaeyeon turned to her. "Never mind. Have a safe flight."

Hyunjin and Chaeyeon were sitting on a chair in the airport. At last, Chaeyeon thought.

"Chaeyeon-ah." A familiar voice called. Her dad slowly approached her and left the nurse's side. He hugged Chaeyeon. "I'm sorry." He said, weakly. Tears poured out of her eyes.

*・゚゚・*:....:*:*:✼✿ at last

they knew

her pain :*:....:*・゚゚・*

"Come on. Let's go."

"Alright." She took Hyunjin's hand and walked away.

And she finally left the past that she always longed to forget.

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