chapter seven; time is ticking

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(A/N: my book reached more than 100 views! thank you OwO!)

"There's nothing
No one to care or worry about me
Only cold words
Telling me to give up on my dreams
Those quitting words keep hitting my ear
Only despair grows
The hopeful sky only gets covered
By other people's hands"
-stray kids

It's finally Saturday morning. Hyejin woke up at 8:00 am and received a message from her cousin telling her to drop off her cousin, Chaeyeon's things at her friends house. Hyejin isn't usually a pushover, nor is she afraid of anyone, but she hates it when people make a big fuss. She opened her closet and picked out the darkest clothes: a black hoodie and black jeans. Then she took black socks from her drawer and put on her brown leather bag and glasses. She didn't want any attention from Chaeyeon's friends. She quietly shut the door as she left her home.

Changbin and Felix were heading out to practice. Changbin met up with Felix at Felix's house.

"Hey, Binnie~"

"I told you to stop calling me that." Changbin rolled his eyes. They started heading towards their practice room. "Hey, Felix, is it just me or does that person look like a stalker?" Changbin said, as he pointed at someone wearing almost all black in front of them. Felix paused. He recognized her hair and the clumsy way she walks. "Do you know her?" Changbin questioned.

"Uh, no...."

Hyejin turned around to pick up her earbuds that fell. She looked up to see who was behind her. "Oh my god." She said, as she made eye contact with Felix.

"Um, hoe. You do know her! Who were you kidding?" Changbin said to Felix.

"Are you stalking me?" Felix asked. "Can you stop? This is getting really annoying. I don't know why you stalk me, but stop before I report you—"


"Damn." Changbin commented in the middle of a long, awkward silence.

Felix blinked. "You live here?" He pointed to the house next to him.

Hyejin coughed. "The one on the right."

"This one?"

"Yeah." Hyejin answered. "I'm going to go if you don't have anything else to say."

"Wait— I need your number for the project.." Felix said quietly.

"Ooh~ Go Felix~ Go Felix~" Changbin cheered. Felix gave him a glare. Hyejin told him the numbers as he quickly pressed the numbers and saved. He muttered a thank you as she started to walk again.

Knock, knock

A boy opened the door. How does she know so many people? Hyejin thought to herself. "Are you Hyejin?" He asked.

Hyejin looked at him closely. He looked really handsome. "Uh-um yes! She asked me to drop off her things." And she handed him Chaeyeon's bag.

"You and Chaeyeon look pretty similar.. She talks a lot about you." He told her.

"Me? Really?" Hyejin tried to act surprised, but she knew her cousin probably gossiped about her.

"Yeah, you seem like a really sweet and caring person."

"Hyunjin, what are you doing? Who is it-?" Chaeyeon said as she came behind him. She grabbed her bag and went back into the living room.

"Sorry, I have to go. But she's really a caring person, I promise you."

Wow, he must be insane after hanging out with her! Hyejin thought. It was nine o'clock in the morning now, so she decided to grab breakfast at the nearest café. She squinted at the window of the café. "Jeongin?" Unexpectedly, Jeongin turned to the window and saw her, and waved. She quickly ran over to the café. "You work here?" She asked, trying not to sound rude.

"Yup! Part-time, so I can pay for my dance and singing classes. I don't want to bother my parents about it." He smiled widely and showed his braces.

"Aw, you're so sweet!"

"Hehe, not really!" He blushed. "Do you want anything? I'll pay!"

"It's alright though.."

"No, it's on meee."

"Okay, fine." She pointed at a warm latte and waffles with Nutella and bananas.

She picked up her food and headed to the table closest to the windows. She prayed that she wouldn't fall right now because she fell pretty often these days. But luck wasn't on her side, and she fell five seconds later. She bumped into something and rubbed her head. "Gosh, who the hell is it this time!" She said, pissed. She looked up and saw the person-she-wanted-to-see-the-least. Him, again! He was holding her tray on one hand and her latte on the other.

"Can you get up, now?" He asked.

Embarrassed, she used one hand to push herself up. "Thanks, but why couldn't you hold onto me instead of food?"

"Because that's a waste of money." He replied, with a poker face. His friend, Changbin, giggled behind him.

Hyejin hated him right now. They made a scene and she wouldn't be able to eat her breakfast peacefully, knowing that he, would be there! She grabbed the latte and her tray and headed to the corner. She took out her phone to not seem lonely and pitiful, and she texted her best friend, Nayeon, even thought she knew Nayeon wouldn't respond.

 She took out her phone to not seem lonely and pitiful, and she texted her best friend, Nayeon, even thought she knew Nayeon wouldn't respond

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Nayeon the Loser Toad

i miss youuu ;-;

She exited the app and ate her food quickly. The only thing Hyejin could think of is how much of an idiot and jerk Felix is. She questioned why she ever liked him before.

Bzz, bzz

Notification from Nayeon the Loser Toad

Hyejin almost choked! She tapped on the notification as soon as possible.

Nayeon the Loser Toad
of course you do
cuz i'm that loveable

im coming over tmr btw

Hyejin was the happiest person on earth right now! She was literally screaming inside. She took a last sip of her latte and placed the tray on the table and threw the trash away. She rushed home to prepare.

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