chapter six; little bit of this and that

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"There's nothing
No one to care or worry about me
Only cold words
Telling me to give up on my dreams
Those quitting words keep hitting my ear
Only despair grows
The hopeful sky only gets covered by other people's hands"
-stray kids

Hyejin plopped onto her bed. Hyejin's favorite shade was white. Her blankets were white, her pillows and bed sheets were white, her rugs were white, etc. Almost everything in her room was white. It was kind of because it reminded her of Felix when he was little.

"Sure, he was the cutest bean when he was little, but now, I guess not!" She said to herself. "All I have to do is not let him find out." Her phone then lit up.

notification from Nayeon the Loser Toad

She pressed on it.

Nayeon the Loser Toad

seen 3:38 pm

WHAT?? She was annoyed and thrilled at the same time. Nayeon was her closest and best friend. But she always gives random text messages and random times and she barely replies back. Her messages are very vague 90% of the time. "Boy, next week when!?" Hyejin tried not to worry that she might be in the bathroom taking a shower when Nayeon comes or that her cousin may be home. She pressed the home button on her phone.

3:39 pm

Hyejin rolled around her bed for a good ten minutes because she had absolutely nothing to do. Homework? Completed almost all of it. Last year, Hyejin had the highest average out of everyone in her high school! She used her time to study, doodle, and clean. Nayeon mocked her and said she had no life. Hyejin didn't argue, because it was the truth. She looked out at her window and saw her cousin with her friends. There were about three boys and four other girls. Another party, she thought, and covered the window with her curtains.

(This scene starts when Felix arrived home.)
"I'm home, mom!"

His mother popped out from across the room. She smiled when she saw her. "You're so adorable and talented, Felix. I'm so happy I have a son like you."

"Did something happen??"

Felix's mother frowned. "Can't I compliment you whenever I want? You make it sound like I want something from you by complimenting! Geez!" Felix let out a light laugh and hugged his mom. "The letter was from Hyejin, right?"

Felix was a bit surprised by her comment. "Why..?"

"I saw her uncle at the hospital today."

Felix tried not to frown. "So?"

"What do you mean, 'so?'? That's quite rude."

"I mean, they never told us what happened and why they left. Am I wrong?" Felix's mother was quiet. She didn't want to tell him yet.

Felix's mood totally dropped, and he rushed to his room.

He looked at the dirty envelope that he took out from his pocket, and threw it at the floor. "Why did she have to leave me..?"

Young Wings; Lee Felix Stray Kids (#Wattys2018)Where stories live. Discover now