chapter eighteen; i get mixed feelings as i breathe out

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(A/N: btw i have no clue about amnesia and coma so you probably think I'm dumb if this entire coma problem is not true but lmao that's ok)
(Also ahh the latest chapters are so disappointing ;-; and HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEONGIN!!! OUR MAKNAE IS 17 🌺❤️)

Late January

Shin Yuna stood in the front of the room, by the teacher's desk. "My family is hosting my birthday party at a restaurant. We rented the place so it's only my family and us." She announced. "Who's coming??"

"ME!" Most of the boys shouted. Hyejin just stayed quiet. Yuna headed to her.

"Can you come? Please?~"

(Yuna is at the top left)

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(Yuna is at the top left)

"Where is it?"

"Near the mall, I think." That was about fifty minutes away from her house and thirty minutes on bus.

"What time?"

"8:00 pm." She would probably get home at midnight! Most of their classmates lived closer to the mall. She hesitated. She would go if it wasn't too far and that late.

"I'll see.." Hyejin replied.

"My parents can drive you there." Yuna suggested.

Felix came into the conversation. "No, I'll walk her there."

"Hm sure, then." Yuna decided and left to talk with some other friends. Hyejin's heart melted. She had a fear of cars and other vehicles because of her and her parents' car accidents. Before she could thank him, he headed to Seungmin and Minho.

How am I supposed to tell him that I remember everything now

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How am I supposed to tell him that I remember everything now..

7:00 pm

Hyejin was wearing white sneakers and a dress, a strange combination, but she had to walk for like fifty minutes anyways and she had to dress up nicely for a birthday party or else she would've brought the mood down. She knocked on Felix's door and a girl that seemed around his age or even older opened.

"Uh.. I'm looking for Felix.." Hyejin mumbled.

"LEE FELIX GET YOUR ASS HERE. YOUR GIRLFRIEND IS WAITING!" The girl yelled. Phew, she's not his girlfriend. Hyejin thought. Then who is she?

Felix ran down the stairs with one sock on. Hyejin chuckled. "Idiot."

"Shut up, Jenny. Mom and dad might hear!"

"I'm just joking. Who would date you anyways?"


He rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Who would date you?" Then, he focused his attention on Hyejin. "Also, why are you here so early?" His sister muttered something under her breath and grabbed her mug and headed upstairs.

"We're walking, aren't we?" Hyejin asked him.

"Oh. I forgot to tell you. We're going on the bus. Don't worry, I'm with you so you will be fine... So can you change your shoes?"

Hyejin was flustered and blushed in embarrassment. But she didn't let him get her. "Well, I'll change my shoes if you wear some socks."

"I'll wear some socks if you tell me I'm not an idiot."

"I'll tell you you're not an idiot if you don't act like one." Hyejin snapped.

Felix moved closer to her. "I won't act like an idiot if you tell me you like me again ;) "

"What—" Hyejin completely forgot the amusement park "incident" where she decided to confess to Felix to see if she actually liked him or not and she was embarrassed for weeks. She forgot about it because Felix never replied back! What a loser..!

"Are you guys flirting?" Hyejin looked down and saw a girl about ten?

"Oh what's up, Kelly?"

"Who is she?" Hyejin whispered to him.

"My sister. Oh yeahh, she was a baby when you met her."

"Right. Don't I look cuter now?" Kelly asked them.

"Hahaha, she takes after you." Hyejin told Felix.

Kelly looked confused. "She complimented you." Felix lied. Hyejin fake coughed. Kelly gleamed and hopped to the living room and turned on the television.

"You know I don't like heels." Hyejin said.

"How do you know that I know that?" He grew suspicious. "Did your memories come back?"

Hyejin pinched her finger and managed to admit it. She expected Felix to be hurt because she didn't tell him immediately, but he just smiled. "Wh- why are you smiling?"

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