chapter nine; it'll just take a moment

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(A/N: Tysm for supporting me I've decided to change the title because more stray kids fans will know it's a fan fiction and it's a less common title name, unlike bittersweet. I've been saving so many Felix pictures! My camera roll will literally explode, but who cares.)

"I'm trying to look for an exit
Take myself out from being trapped in the darkness
I'm fighting harder, run away from this place
I'm on the hellevator, I'm gonna go up
I'm escaping from my dark past
Shining on my path ahead
Tiresome times that drove me crazy
I'm running so I can forget
As the bell of a new start rings
I got on, hold my hand
And take me to the penthouse, my hellevator"
-stray kids

"Do you want to come to my birthday party? My mom asked me to invite more people over because she had to go on a business trip.."
"Sure. Can my friend come along again?"

And that's how Hyejin ended up sitting in his living room sofa, next to Changbin and Somin. It was six pm and Felix wasn't even at his own party at! He just left a text message to Changbin saying that he had to go somewhere. Hyejin didn't mean to be a stalker, but she was sitting next to them so she couldn't help but notice Changbin place his right arm around Somin but she seemed uncomfortable when they touched. Nayeon totally ditched her and befriended some guys. Nayeon and Hyejin were opposites. Nayeon was the outgoing type, that easily befriends people, while Hyejin prefers sticking with a few friends. Someone entered the living room. She expected Felix, but it was Jeongin! Jeongin???

"Ooh, the maknae is here!!" Someone yelled. Jeongin gave a bright smile and showed his braces.


"Oh, Hyejin!"

"Do you know Felix or something?"

"Yep! We're in the same dance class. What about you?"

"Well.. we're classmates and neighbors.."

Jeongin looked so precious when he was surprised. "Wow! Are you guys close?"

"Actually.. not really."

Before anyone else could say anything, Felix entered.

"BIRTHDAY BOY IS HERE!" A boy with dyed hair yelled, as everyone else cheered (except for Hyejin, because she's pissed).

"BIRTHDAY BOY IS HERE!" A boy with dyed hair yelled, as everyone else cheered (except for Hyejin, because she's pissed)

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Hyejin couldn't help but notice a big smile on Somin's face. She either had a neutral face or a frown when she was with Changbin. Hyejin was about to call Felix, but he headed to another group of people. Can I leave...? She thought.

After ten minutes, Hyejin got up and walked down the hallway. No one noticed her anyways. But then, the lights all shut down. Someone grabbed her hand. It was Felix. Well, finally.

"Um, hey. Sorry I took so long."

"Oh! Of course it's okay! I totally didn't wait an hour waiting for you; Plus like ten minutes waiting for you to finish talking to your friends." Hyejin stopped after realizing she sounded like they were dating or something. Her face reddened. She looked up at him, and he was frowning again. Her heart teared. Why do I always make him sad? She thought.

"Felix, where are you? We're getting the cake ready! Everyone is waiting!" Changbin whispered from the end of the hallway.

"C'mon, lets go!" Felix said. Hyejin followed behind him.



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Somin was cutting the cake into a total of twelve slices. Hyejin's slice was somewhat bigger than the rest. "Because all the boys hog all the food~ And if you're in this group, I won't be the only girl around!" Somin smiled at her. Hyejin smiled back. Maybe I was wrong about her. She thought.

"He's gonna open the presents now!" Changbin announced. He should honestly just be some announcer in the future.

Felix held a black and white polka dot bag and pulled out chopsticks. "So you can pick up your grades with it. Or at least, try." Changbin said as the guys laughed. Then, Felix took the neon yellow bag and pulled out a green bomber jacket.

"It's from me." Somin said. So I guess I'm not the only one that noticed he likes bomber jackets?

After opening a few more presents, he finally reached Hyejin's. He pulled out black earbuds from a small box. A smile appeared again. Hyejin was glad she got him to smile again.

"Thanks, everyone."


Changbin looked so proud after roasting Felix. It was revenge for calling him Binnie. But Felix's response made Changbin embarrassed. "Of course I do~ It's from Binnie after all~"

The rest of the boys snorted. "Binnie? LOL."

Felix headed to Hyejin and asked her to take a selfie with him. "A selfie?"

"One of our tasks was going to your partner's house."

"Oh, yeah."

"I'll take it for you guys." Jeongin volunteered. Aw, what a nice cinnamon roll.




There's one task left now

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There's one task left now.

Young Wings; Lee Felix Stray Kids (#Wattys2018)Where stories live. Discover now