chapter fourteen; we are like a magnet

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(A/N: his freckles make me soft, and his voice makes me—)

Nayeon left the hospital about thirty minutes ago. Her father called her and told her to come home because it was late. Felix's mother was still on her business trip overseas. Felix had been with Hyejin for about two hours now.

"Young man," The nurse called. Felix didn't even blink. "It's really late." He didn't reply. The nurse sighed. "You know, if she sees you like this, she would be heartbroken."

I broke her.

"So go home and get some rest. You can come back tomorrow."

It's all my fault.

"I'll give you fifteen more minutes." The nurse shook her head and walked away.

His tears finally left his eyes. One following another. There were endless tears. The tears went from his face to his clothes. "I-I'm sorry. It was all because of me."

He looked up at Hyejin. She was lying on the bed, lifelessly. It wouldn't happen if I didn't run away. I am a coward. I couldn't protect her. And she was the one trying to protect me.

He stopped by for about an hour each day. It was Christmas now. Her birthday. He bought a slice of chocolate cake, that had fruits and whipped cream. He also bought a slice of green tea crepe cake. He also brought a small box wrapped with pastel blue wrapping paper. Those were her favorite— when she was little, at least. He didn't know anything about her now. He had only blamed her for leaving him, but he was the one that couldn't recognize her sooner. He even ran from her.

The door opened.


It was Nayeon. She noticed that his face got paler. He looked lifeless, too. "Hey.. it's not entirely your fault." She took a seat next to him and placed a bouquet by Hyejin's hospital bed.

"I need to know something."

"Uh.. yeah?"

"Hyejin's parents.." he paused. "..they died, right? His uncle is currently hospitalized.. so.. she just lives alone?"

"Kinda. Her cousin barely comes home." Felix closed his eyes. "It's her birthday."

"I know."

Nayeon received a call and picked it up. "Yes, dad?" She whispered.

"Hurry up and come home. We're going to grandma's place for Christmas."

"I'm with Hyejin..."

"Again? How many times did I tell you to stop wasting your time going there? You have way more friends that are better and alive! Stop wasting your time and hurry home."

"Dad!" Nayeon glanced at Felix. He clenched his fists. She ended the call. "I'm so sorry." She told him. "Happy birthday, Hyejin." She took her coat and bag and headed outside.

"You're 17, now. I'm sorry that you couldn't celebrate your birthday properly. Happy birthday, Hyejin-ah."

Felix pulled his keys out of his bag and unlocked the door.

"BOO!" His little sister, Kelly screamed.


"We told you we were planning on spending Christmas here with you." His older sister, Jenny explained. When Felix was six years old, Jenny was ten, and Kelly was three, Jenny expressed interest in studying abroad, but Felix and their mother wanted to stay in Korea. Thus, Jenny and their father decided to move abroad so Jenny could find what she wanted to become, and learn English. Later, when Felix was fourteen, Kelly wanted to live with her sister, so they brought her to America, to live with Jenny and their father. Jenny, Kelly, and their dad came back during the holidays, so Felix barely saw them.

"Why do you look gloomy?" Kelly asked.

"It's nothing."

"Did you go through a breakup or something? I come back after a month and you're already awkward." Jenny said.

Just then, their mother came, smiling. "You're home, sweetie?" Felix's mother arrived home from her business trip on the same day as his siblings and father.

"Can we talk, mom?"

"Sure?" His mom said, puzzled.

Felix was standing and his mom sat on the bench in their backyard.

"Hyejin's parents died." Felix said.

His mom's face lost color. "Oh... really.."

"You knew all along, but you didn't tell me. I had been blaming her for ten years."

"I... It was for your own sake."

He raised his voice. "Even if it was for my own sake, what about her's? She has been alone for ten years! Her uncle is hospitalized and her cousin doesn't even come home! How do you think she felt?"

His mother started crying. "I'm so sorry."

I'm sorry, too. But I can't forgive you right now.

Don't leave me, again, Hyejin.


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