chapter thirty; searching for dreams, take 2

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Felix was shaking his head. "Wow, Changbin. Can't believe you." He joked.

Changbin was on the verge of tears. "I'm sorry..."

Felix and Hyejin didn't notice they went too far. "I'm getting Nayeon-" Seo Changbin was panicking, then his phone rang.

It was Nayeon. Hyejin eyed the phone and her eyes told Changbin to accept— which he did.

"Changbin-ah~" Hyejin's eyes told Changbin to hand over his phone.

Changbin gulped as he handed it over to her. "Hey Nayeon. This is Hyejin." There was a silence.

"...ah! Hey Hyejin! How are you...?"

"Don't try to act dumb. Is Nabin a thing?" (Nayeon+Changbin)

"Uh... yeah... listen, we were meaning to-"

"Geez, I never asked for an explanation. I hope you guys are happy together."

"Um what?"

"Never mind! Just tell me next time."

"Will there even be a next time?" Nayeon mumbled.

The corner's of Changbin's mouth slid upwards. "Anyways, thanks Hyejin for creating our official ship name." He chuckled. "I should go now. It's pretty late.."

Hyejin smirked. "That's just an excuse to talk to Nayeonie. Anyways, bye!" Hyejin and Felix walked Changbin out.

Hyejin smiled and waved as Changbin was on his way home. She turned back to her home, pulling her sleeves because she was freezing. She turned, and her eyes met Felix's. She saw a close-up of his freckles and his gaze was stunning and serious. "W-what?" He was staring at her. Their hands had slight contact and their eyes were only three inches from each other. Her heart pounded and she turned back.

"It's about time you give me your answer." He said, seriously.

"I-I need more time to think.."

"Park Hyejin. I have been waiting for months. Years. It took me years to realize that I still like you. It took me months to confess." Hyejin's embarrassment saved her from the freezing temperature. "I need an answer. Now. I won't go home until you do."

Hyejin managed to laugh at this moment. "Lol. Your house is like right next to mine." Felix refused to show emotion. "Well sure. Let's see if you go home or not." Hyejin walked up the stairs and back in her house while Felix followed. Her uncle was in the kitchen and smiled when Felix entered. Hyejin grabbed a cup of water and chugged it down.

"Would you like to spend the night here?"

Hyejin choked and spat her water out. Her uncle frowned. "Jin-ah, clean that up." He turned his attention back on Felix. "What do you think? I want to catch up on how you guys are doing."

Felix smirked at Hyejin. "Oh of course."

(A/N: I have a half day at school so here ya go! OK CAN WE FANGIRL OVER AIRPLANE, WANNA-ONE'S IPU, AND THE TEASER? I always forget to fangirl here!!! ALSO FELIX'S IG POST! ESP THE LAST PIC!!!)

(A/N: I have a half day at school so here ya go! OK CAN WE FANGIRL OVER AIRPLANE, WANNA-ONE'S IPU, AND THE TEASER? I always forget to fangirl here!!! ALSO FELIX'S IG POST! ESP THE LAST PIC!!!)

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