chapter twenty; and suddenly i feel so afraid of the void

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"I dare you to hug the boy you like... if he's here! However, the boy must not tell anyone that you hugged him."

"Alright," Yuna responded.

Everyone closed their eyes, except for Hyejin who wondered if she should close her eyes or not or if it really mattered. Yuna got up from the floor and the some of the boys were praying.

Felix casually sat there with his chin on his knees and his arms wrapped around his legs. Yuna quietly walked a few steps and wrapped her delicate arms around Felix. Hyejin looked up. Her phone slipped from her hands that were starting to warm up and fell loudly to the ground. Her heart stopped. Hyejin saw Felix's mouth open, quietly, then close, after she released her arms from him. He tried not to look shocked.

"You guys can open your eyes now." Yuna said, smiling.

"Who is it!?" A boy said and started tearing up. "It wasn't me..."

Yuna grimaced. "Just promise me you guys won't interrogate each other because of this..."

"Sure.." The boys grumbled, disappointed. Felix still looked awkward.

She picked up her phone from the ground and tried to shake the thoughts that popped up in her head.


Cousin Chaeyeon

Cousin Chaeyeon
I'm coming to his house in twenty minutes.
Are you there?

Hyejin noticed that Chaeyeon, her cousin, has been very distant with her father (Hyejin's uncle). Chaeyeon referred to their home as "his house". She often wondered about how they became this way but never knew the whole story.

I'm at a party. I can leave now if you want
read at 10:56

Hyejin sighed at her cousin's cold encounter and decided to leave now. She saw Felix getting up and heading towards her at the corner of her eye and she got her bag and quickly walked out.

Don't catch up. Don't catch up. Don't call me. Leave me alone, was all she thought. She couldn't hear any more footsteps so she assumed he didn't follow her. She felt relief, yet sadness.

♥*+:.Lee Felix.:+*♥

Felix got up from the floor and stretched a bit. Before Yuna could speak to him, he immediately headed to Hyejin. But as he was walking to her, she picked up her belongings hastily walked away. He was about to call her but Yuna tapped his shoulder and asked him if they could talk. Felix and Yuna headed into the hallways. Felix looked back to see Hyejin leave the place.

"I wanted to make a proper confession so... I like you, Lee Felix. I hope you can give me an answer... some other day. Just in case you reject me, I wouldn't feel sad on my birthday ^^."

Felix opened his mouth, but no words came out. He tried again, "So... when.....?...."

Yuna understood from those two words. "Since we met. So like years ago, when I transferred to the Korean elementary school?"


"Yuna, can you really walk alone from here?" Her dad asked, worriedly. It was a Monday. School already started for other students but today was Yuna's first day at her new school in Seoul, Korea. She visited the school a few days before and remembered the directions from her house to the school.

"Yes!" Yuna exclaimed, as she gleamed brightly and unbuckled her seatbelt.

"Alright... Make sure you watch for cars! You remember where the school is, right? And—"

"I know, I know!" Yuna said, excitedly as she opened the car door and hopped off. "Bye bye!" She waved at her dad and slammed the car door.

Yuna happily walked to school. A few boys ran past her, pushing her. She noticed that they had the same uniform as her so she tried to catch up with them.

"Crap, I think we're late!" One of the boys said, as Yuna finally reached the school's gate. They were peeping through the fence and saw their gym teacher looking around.

"ONE POINT OFF YOUR AVERAGE IF YOU'RE LATE!" He yelled, and he seemed to be looking for late students as if he had a sixth sense. Once their gym teacher headed to another direction, the boys, one by one, started climbing and jumping off the tall fence. Yuna did the same. Except, when she reached the top of the fence, she suddenly felt extremely afraid.

"Jump. I'll catch you." A boy with dark brown hair told her.

She closed her eyes and jumped off the top of the fence

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She closed her eyes and jumped off the top of the fence.

And... well.. Felix did catch her but they collapsed onto the ground after that. She might've scraped her knee but his kindness caught her attention.

"Hurry! He's going to catch us!" Felix whispered. He took her hand and she limped. He seemed to have noticed that so he gave her a quick piggy back ride into the school building.

Once they got in the school, Felix handed her his jacket. She gave him a confused look. "Your skirt." He pointed out.

She blushed when she noticed a big rip on the side of her skirt. She tied his jacket around her waist. "What's your name?"

"Felix. Lee Felix."

"Thank you, Felix."

"No problem!"
☆♬●♪✧♩End of Flashback ♪●♬☆

Yuna smiled at the old memories of them together. "I'll go now."


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