4 // late night thoughts

18 1 1

{date: 12.28.2017}


Dont you ever get a sudden urge to just scream at the top of your lungs ?¿ because thats kinda me rn. Like i just wanna scream at the top of my lungs, & idk if im just tired or i have a lot of things built up. Probably both & most likely both. You know what ? Sometimes i dont even know what im thinking or like why tf i thought about it.

Theres so many thoughts that just poof in my mind. Im probably just tired of people. But like at the same time i dont even know. See, this is the problem with me, i never know whats going on with me. Like arent you supposed to know whats going on in your world or mind ?? Like i just wish i was more in-touch with myself, I guess. And ive been so anxious lately. Like what the fuck. Why. Well, actually, i know why, but like still. I kinda just dont wanna think about it.

I need some distractions. Just anything. I wanna forget a few things too. But like, the things that i wanna forget, made me the person i am today, as cheesy as it sounds. I think that everything that like go through, shapes who you are. No matter how bad or heartbreaking it was, it made you, well, the you right now. And i have no idea where this whole thing is going but i think this was just a distraction from what i was normally thinking about lmao.


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