24 // girl crush

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{date: 7.11.2020}


so its really late at night & i cant sleep. this girl that i was kinda friends w ?? since middle school i guess fted me drunk.

im kinda like ?? bc she never like goes out of her way to contact me. while in the call w her, i find out thay shes bi.



i had a crush on her since i met her.

ik i have a bf but like ? it much rather have u be my ex than just a girl crush.

idk. i asked her who her first girl crush was & it was this girl who like

you know those girls who are just scream MODEL MATERIAL & OUT OF UR LEAGUE. yeah, it was one of those girls.

instantly knew i wasnt her type, which im fine w that. idrc because we wouldnt ever work out anyways.

if she treated me like a second choice when we were just best friends. how would she treat me in a relationship ?


& lets say like if i were to go after her, it would never work.

id be the reacher. she would be the settler & idk thay just doesn't sit right w me.

fun fact: i dont like dating people that are more attractive than me bc i feel like it would really fuck up my self esteem ! like i need to date someone who matches my attractive level idk lmaooo

or i have to be at least a lil bit more good looking IDK IT MIGHT JUST BE ME FHXIFHSJ

but wow, this felt good. lol.

its like almost 2 am like on the 11th. if that even makes sense lmao.

okay but if i were to go after her, it would be a really shallow reason

& that reason is sex.

i would never marry that girl bc i KNOW for a fact that we aren't compatible. even as like close friends ! that shit doesnt work lmao

i can only handle her once in a while bc i KNOW she'll hurt me again lmao.

if im going after her, its 1000% bc i just wanna hit it & leave.

that sounds really mean but you know what, idc LMAO

im not sorry LOL.

like my bf, he knows how to handle me in a way where things wont escalate & i really appreciate it bc im a real hot head lmao

he says im the settler in the relationship & hes the reacher & you know what, im fine w settling.

blunt opinion: looks wise, i agree that im the settler but he not like UGLY UGLY. hes cute but u just dont notice at first :')

okay okaaayyyy i need to go to bed lol. gn, thanks for listening. <3

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