8 // welp

21 1 1

{date: 2.15.2018}


I'm just so fucking done. At this point, I really don't fucking care anymore. I've dealt with so much shit from you guys. This is the reason why I literally hate being home. I hate it here. I always feel like I'm being judged. And I literally can't even do anything either. The amount of restrictions is honestly astonishing to me. I honestly feel like I'm being robbed of something. Like my motherfucking childhood. I can't even go to the fucking park that's behind our house without adult supervision. And I'm 16. Fucking. 16. And j can't even go to the PARK. I'm so tired of feeling like a prisoner. I've read a dozen articles that basically say that the more strict the parents are, the more likely the kids will want to rebel. And it's true bc of all of the shit that I've done.

They don't even know half of the shit that I've done. They never knew about my mental state. I've been asking for fucking therapy for God knows how long and I still haven't gotten any. I mean, I've had some but I was still young and I didn't take it seriously. But now that I'm ready, we can't fucking afford it. Greeeeeaaaatttt.

Also, if I fucking ask you something, please ANSWER it. Like I don't want to walk on eggshells, being too scared of doing anything bc it might get you mad. If I ask my why you're mad, FUCKING ANSWER. And treat me like my age please. I'm not fucking four years old anymore Karen. So shut the fuck up. I'm growing up a little bit. And I know what you're gonna say. That I'm a teenager and that I already think I know everything. Well, guess what? I fucking KNOW that I don't know anything. And then you're gonna pull the " I've been on this Earth longer" card. But that means that you will go first. Lol sorry if I'm being a bit mean but it's fucking true. Honestly, if you keep treating me like I'm an infant, I'm actually going to leave. Like I don't want this.

I can't fucking take it anymore. I always feel pressure be this perfect child and I know that you're just hoping for the best but seriously, I can't even have my fucking opinions on things ?? Really ?? Like wow. I'm just blown. Like what the actual fuck man. like what a fucking crazy parent...


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