Chapter 2: His Jealousy Exhaust Me

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Sighing, Jungkook messages his neck in frustration. The clock hasn't stop ticking, almost like it wouldn't end and so as his piles of works. He's 100% sure that he's not going home early today. Jungkook pulls out his phone and text Jimin, telling that he couldn't get home early today and asks Jimin to have dinner with Taemin instead. As much as he didn't like the idea of Jimin spending too much time with Taemin, he too knows that Jimin really hates eating alone, so at this point, he has no choice.

"Oppa~" Eunha, Jungkook's sister suddenly barge in his office.

"Eunha? What are you doing here?" Jungkook only spares her a small glance before focusing back on his paperwork.

"Just checking you up. Where's Jimin?" her eyes roams around her brother's office trying to find something interesting.

"Eunha, he's an oppa to you. He's out with his friend."

"Friend or boyfriend?" she smirks while eyeing his brother's reaction.

"Friend. I know him." Jungkook stops typing for a second. Probably disturbed by that question.

"Well, it doesn't seem like a friend here. Can a friend hug like that? They look dating to me"

Eunha shows a picture in her phone to Jungkook. It's a picture of Taemin and Jimin hugging while smiling happily. There's around 4-5 pictures of them actually. Jungkook keeps on staring at those pictures. His eyebrows furrows and he has to bite his lips to restrain himself from getting angry.

"..................... they're just friend." He puts the phone down and tries his best to focus on his paperwork.

"But oppa! Look at this I—"Eunha pouts, stomping her feet in disagree.


Jungkook throws the pen in his hand on the floor and shouts to Eunha. He knows it wasn't her fault but he's stress right now. He knows Jimin and Taemin is just friends but his heart aches when he sees those pictures. He quickly pack his things up and text Jimin to get home immediately. Jungkook's mood is now ruin by seeing those pictures.


"Jungkookie~ look what I bought you today~" Jimin singsongs while showing Jungkook a few plastic bags on his hand. Seeing no reaction from his husband, he started to be worried a bit. Jungkook rarely-rarely greets him in silence and when he does, Jimin knows there's something wrong somewhere.

"Jungkook? What's wrong?"

"Jimin. I told you I don't like someone else touching what's mine. Why the hell did you have to hug him like that!?" Jungkook shows the pictures that Eunha sent to him earlier to Jimin. He looks pissed off. Jealous to be exact.

"Jungkook. He's just greeting me. Are you serious right now? Jealous on me with Taemin hyung?" Jimin crosses his arms. Disbelief that Jungkook actually got some pictures of him and Taemin. He started to think that maybe Jungkook has somebody following him every day. To be honest, he didn't like the idea at all.


Jungkook walks to the door and slams it shut. As usual, whenever they got into fight, Jungkook will spend his time at his office because he knows that if he stays home, things will get worse. Jungkook definitely is ill-tempered but Jimin also hardly want to lose if he did nothing wrong. So, it's better for them to be like this for a while.


"One iced caramel macchiato please"

Jimin sighs a bit. Today was supposed to be his date with Jungkook. They've planned this for a week now. But because of their fight last night, the date probably would be cancelled anyway. Sometimes Jimin would wonder why did Jungkook didn't trust him that he needs someone to spy on him. It's just too much even though they're already married now.


Jimin turns his head to see the owner of the voice. He smiles when he sees Taemin standing behind him with an iced Americano in his hand.

"Oh? Taemin hyung? What are you doing here?"

"I just came back from my meeting. I thought I might get a little caffeine to keep my eyes open" Taemin brushes his hairs while sighing. Jimin chuckles a bit seeing Taemin in that state. He never sees Taemin working before. Taemin complaints that he's stress out with his works and he just broke up with his girlfriend. Taemin asks Jimin to accompany him lunch because he really needs someone to talk to right now.

Jimin hesitates at first. Of course he's hesitating! Imagine if Jungkook knows about this, things would definitely get worse. Jimin refused at first saying that he has business to do but Taemin begs him to accompany him making Jimin didn't have the heart to leave Taemin in this state. After a few persuasions from Taemin, Jimin finally agrees to have lunch with him. He crosses his fingers, hoping that Jungkook wouldn't know about this.


Jungkook keeps on staring at the ceiling. He didn't have the mood to do his work now. He knows Jimin would never cheat on him. He knows that Jimin loves him but he couldn't stop himself from being jealous. He still remember the days when they're dating. Jungkook keeps on being insecure about their relationship. Jimin is cute, kind, friendly and attractive. People adores him and that makes Jungkook insecure. There's so many guys out there asking Jimin out. Even though he said yes only to Jungkook, but Jungkook still gets jealous whenever someone else is eyeing his Jimin. Jimin is his, and will be his only. They've gotten into a lot of fight because of this. Lucky for them that their love is stronger than they thought making them still being together until now.


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