Chapter 8: I Will Be Stronger

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Jimin has had enough of this. He's been weeping and crying himself out for the last two day. It's time for him to think and move on from this. Broken trust, broken heart and broken relationship makes Jimin grows stronger. He has to move on and keep living for the sake of his baby. His! Not Jungkook's anymore. Jimin take a last glance at their wedding picture and throws it into the burning flames. With a last glance, he walks away, leaving his broken heart behind.

"So................" Yoongi takes a sit next to Jimin as soon as Jimin step inside living room.

"Jungkook divorce you because he thought you're cheating on him? And he kind of fuck someone to get a revenge? And now you're pregnant and Jungkook didn't even know that?"

Jimin sips his hot coffee calmly before placing the cup down. He looks at Yoongi and nods his head. Eyes still fixated on Yoongi's frowning face.

"And he will never know about my baby. He broke us hyung. He didn't trust me. And I won't forgive him for that"

"Good. Coz I won't accept it if you say you forgave him and wanted to be with him after what he did to you."

Jimin just smiles and nods his head again. He's going to start a new life. A life with his baby. A life-without Jungkook.


"Oppa!" Eunha barge into Jungkook's office with anger. She slams the door shut before throwing a few pictures on Jungkook's table.

"I told you! I told you not to marry him! I told you that he's a snake! He's been cheating on you!"

"................ I know" Jungkook didn't even look at the pictures. He didn't want to. It would break his heart more.

"Oppa! You knew and you did nothing!? What is wron---"

"I divorce him already! What else do you want!?" Jungkook shouts. He's tired. He's so fucking tired of all this!

"You did? Good! Because I bet my soul off! He must be whoring himself with other guys behind you anyway! For example, Hobie! He must be fucking Jimin everyday that's why that bitch is so eager to work with hobi!" Eunha said, adding more fuel towards Jungkook's flame of anger.

And she knows she did it when she saw her brother's stern face, clenching his fist.

"Shut up! Just shut up!! Get out of here!!" Jungkook shouts out too loud until his workers take a glance at his office before turning their head away. Eunha was shocked. She never seen her brother this angry before. She didn't waste any second and she bolts out of his office immediately, leaving broken Jungkook.


"Jungkook, stop it!" Taehyung said, slightly annoyed.

"Please Tae, I need it... I need it so bad."

"Jungkook! Restrain yourself!" Taehyung pushes Jungkook away from him.

Jungkook sighs deeply. He needs his drinks right now but Taehyung wouldn't give it to him. Well, who would if you see Jungkook too drunk to even open his eyes? Taehyung snatch the bottle right from Jungkook's hand making him pissed off a little bit.

"Jungkook take a look at yourself! You're a mess! Why did you make yourself like this? You're not at the fault in here! It was Jimin's!" Tae shouts.

"I love him! It wasn't his fault! It's my fault to fell in love with him!" Jungkook kneels down on the cold floor. Sobbing hard.

"Why did it has to be this way?"

"I love him too much Tae. Too much." Jungkook cries again and again until he fallen asleep.

Taehyung's heart broken into pieces now. He couldn't see Jungkook in this state. Jungkook, his best friend, his everything is losing himself because of Jimin who cheated on him. Taehyung swears, he would never forgive Jimin for this!


TaeTae: are you happy?

Jimin: what are you talking about?

TaeTae: how could you? How could you do this to Jungkook? He didn't deserve this Jimin! You should be ashamed of yourself for being such a slut when you're married!

Jimin: I didn't do it! You didn't believe in me Tae? I'm your best friend! How could you!

TaeTae: oh yeah? I'm your best friend? Did you think of me, your best friend when you slut around? Have you ever think about Jungkook when you getting fuck by other guys?? Did you!?

Jimin: for god sake Tae! I didn't do it! *sigh* you know what? Forget it! You're not going to believe in me anyway.

TaeTae: you're right, I won't. Because I got the fucking proof in front of my eyes! And you know what Jimin? I regret introducing you to Jungkook. If I know you're going to treat him like this, I won't let you meet him.

Jimin: Tae please---

Taehyung hung up the phone without having heard what Jimin had to say first. Jimin sighs for the nth time today. He knows there's nothing could be done towards an angry Taehyung. Honestly, he didn't even know how they got the fake pictures or who did that. He's just heartbroken because nobody, nobody believe in him.


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