Chapter 15: I Hate You

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"Jimin ssi, I need you to get Mr. Jeon's signatures on these paper right away. Just put it on desk later." Namjoon said, placing the documents on Jimin's desk and hurriedly making his way out of the office.

"b-but---"Jimin sighs. He looks at the documents and groans silently. He can't believe he needs to see Jungkook for the third time today. First, the coffee, then he already went inside his office for the second time to check on the files and now this? Jimin wasn't going to lie, it was super awkward and annoying to share the same air with Jungkook especially after Jungkook's confession yesterday. Jimin can feel that Jungkook still wants to talk to him but he didn't. Probably because Jimin showed him the 'don't say a word or I'll castrate you for good!' looks.

Jimin knocks on Jungkook's door and let himself in once he heard Jungkook's voice.

"These documents needs to be signed, sir" Jimin didn't even bother to take a look at Jungkook's face. He fixed his gaze at the documents even though he knows Jungkook is looking at him.

Jungkook takes the documents and starts reading them. Purposely trying to make Jimin stays with him a little longer.

"Jimin.... I'm sorry about yesterday. I'm sorry about everything" Jungkook said, putting down the documents and look straight at Jimin's beautiful face. But Jimin didn't even glance at him. His face is still, ice cold, no smile, nothing.

Jungkook sighs and signs the documents before handing it over to Jimin.

"Jiminie, have lunch with me? Let's talk" Jungkook pleads before Jimin walks out of his office.

Jimin didn't say anything. He pretends that he didn't hear that part. Besides he has nothing to talk about with Jungkook. It's best that he stays silent after all.


"Jimin, do you have a copy for the SMART project?" Seungcheol asks while fiddling with files in his hands.

"Ah yes, wait a second. Here you go"

"Thanks. You're a life saver" Seungcheol smiles at Jimin and ready to walk away. After a few steps, he stops and turn around, facing Jimin again.

"Oh by the way, Joshua, Yeein and I are going to have lunch together, wanna join us?" before Jimin ould answer Seungcheol's question, he can see Jungkook, walking towards him.

"Ready to go?" Jungkook asks Jimin but his eyes fixed on Seungcheol who seems slightly confused with the situation.

"Oh, if you already promised with Mr. Jeon probably we can have lunch nex----"

"Nope, I'm allergic to everything he eats" Jimin said, didn't even look at Jungkook. He grabs his phone at drags Seungcheol out of Jungkook's view. Leaving Jungkook dumbfounded.


"Hey, Jimin. I didn't mean to be a busybody but is there something wrong between you and Mr. Jeon?" Seungcheol asks while his hand busy grilling the meat.

The other two, Yeein and Joshua snaps their head up, interested in whatever story they might get about Jimin and Jungkook.

"No. there's nothing going on." Jimin said, trying to act as natural as possible.

"Nope, I don't believe you. Mr. Jeon acts differently when he's around you. Did something happened?" Yeein asks, simply didnt satisfied with Jimin's answers.

"I told there's nothing. I barely even know him" Jimin replied, looking a bit annoyed.


Jimin turns his head around towards the voice that's calling his name. A very familiar voice. Taehyung.

'What the hell is he doing here?' Jimin bites his lips. His friends are now eyeing Taehyung with wide eyes.

"Oh my God! It's Kim Taehyung!" Yeein screams in excitements. Taehyung flashes her his signature smiles. Of course, the trio immediately surrounds him and asks for pictures and signatures.

"Do you mind if I borrow Jimin for a while?" Taehyung asks and of course he gets a quick yes for that. Jimin didn't want to cause a scene so he walks out with Taehyung.

"Jimin ah. I'm sorry for everything that I've done to you. I'm just.... You can call me an idiot for not believing in my best friend. It's just that I--- I---"

"Tae, it's okay. It wasn't your fault. You didn't have to apologize. It's just happened this way. I understand. If you'd excuse me, I have to go back to work now." Jimin said, before walking away from Taehyung.

It wasn't his fault, Jimin knows that. But it still hurts how your best friend didn't even trust you. And the fact that they have been best friends since the first day of college makes Jimin hurts more.


"Jimin ah, how's work?" Jin asks while his hands are busy placing the food on the table.

"Its fine, I guess" Jimin said, uninterested. He focuses on his son, playing with his blocks in front of him.

"Appa! Uncle Jin bought me a new airplane! It can really fly!" Jungmin said, excitedly trying to show his appa his new toy.

"Jin Hyung~ you spoiled Jungmin again~" Jimin pouts while looking at Jin.

"Don't look at me, Yoongi insist to buy for Jungmin." Jin said laughing.

"Hyung, you guys have done so much for us.... I mean, thank you for the gifts, it was lovely and 'expensive'. But I can't keep receiving things from both of you. "Jimin feels guilty that Jin and Yoongi always buy stuffs for Jungmin. He didn't even mention the part that all Jungmin's belongings are branded and expensive as hell. The couple really are spoiling Jungmin.

"Complain to Yoongi, not to me. If you ask me, Jungmin deserves it. He's such a lovely kid." Jin said pinching Jungmin's cheeks.

"Appa, ummm... Yoogun said that his daddy always brings him to park every weekend. He asks me why my daddy didn't bring me there too. Appa, where is my daddy?" Jungmin asks with frown on his face.

His little question makes Jin and Jimin froze on the spot. Jimin looks at Jin and Jungmin back and forth, he didn't even know how to answer that question.

"Jungminie, if you want to go to the Park, appa can take you. Besides Uncle Jin and uncle Yoongi will be there too. It's going to be fun right?" Jimin said, taking Jungmin's small body to sit on his lap.

"Why can't daddy brings me there? I don't have a daddy? But I also don't have a mommy. Why did my friends have mommy and daddy but I only have you appa?" Jungmin said, frowning.

"But you have Uncle Jin and uncle Yoongi. Your friends didn't have that did they?" Jin said, trying to help Jimin out.

"Emmmm.... Okay." Jungmin said before continue playing with his toys."

Jimin bits his lip. He didn't know that Jungmin would asks that kind of question. He didn't even realize that one day Jungmin might ask for his other parent. But he wouldn't let Jungmin knows about Jungkook. At least not now. Jungkook can't know about Jungmin. He wouldn't let Jungkook take Jungmin away from him.



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