Chapter 12: It's Fate

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*Four years later*

Jimin walks to his bedroom with a basket of laundry in his hand. It's a nice Sunday morning making Jimin humming to himself. However, he sighs deeply when he sees his bedroom is now a mess, thanks to his lovely 4 years old son, Park Jungmin.

"Jungmin ah, what did appa said about playing in bedroom?" he puts his hands on his waist, pouting at his son.

"To not to" Jungmin said.

"Good. Where should we play?"

"ummmm 'iving room?" he puts his chubby finger at the corner of his mouth, acting cute.

"Yes baby. Now let's tidy this place together shall we?" Jimin said, kissing his son's nose lightly.

Jungmin giggles and stands up quickly, picking up his toys and place them in his own basket. Jimin will stay by his side, giving him the toys while counting together with Jungmin. Jungmin is certainly a fast learner. He could count easily by now.

It's almost three years since Jimin move out from YoonJin's house. Of course Yoongi didn't allow him to move out at first, saying 'don't talk bullshit about you troubling us'. But of course, Jimin is Jimin and he will always wins against Yoongi. Long story short, after a few arguments, Yoongi finally lets Jimin and Jungmin move out with a condition that he's going to choose the place. So, Yoongi got him an apartment 10 minutes away from his house. Needless to say that he and Jin visited almost every day after that. Its feels like Jimin never left at all.

"Appa! Uncle Jin and Yoongi!" Jungmin said excitedly when he sees two of his favorite uncles at his front door. He bounces away towards Jin and hold up his hands, asking to be picked up.

"Hyung, you're early today?" Jimin came straight from the kitchen, he's just finished fixing breakfast.

"Ah yes, blame Jin for that. He didn't stop talking about 'missing Jungmin' since last night. Somehow, it's driving me crazy you know." Yoongi said, earning a sharp glare from his boyfriend.

"Wow, says someone who gets ready at 7 am just to come here." Jin rolls his eyes before playing with Jungmin in his hands.

"Seriously, you guys should get married and have your own kid. That way, Jin hyung won't be so lonely you know?" Jimin laughs when he sees his hyungs are now blushing madly at Jimin's words.

They have their breakfast, talking with each other and sometimes laughing at Jungmin's cute acts.

"Hyung... I need a new job." Jimin said while Yoongi is busy feeding Jungmin.

"Jimin, did you need money? Yoongi and I can help." Jin said, holding Jimin's hand.

"Hyung, living alone requires a lot of cash and raising Jungmin also add somewhere in that amount. I'm not complaining, not at all. But I need the money, Jungmin is growing and I can't keep on asking for you and Yoongi hyung's help. This job at the restaurant didn't pay much and I need a better job."

"I'll help you." Yoongi said which makes the two other male startled because Yoongi would be the first person to say 'no' at this. He didn't want Jimin to overwork himself when he and Jin are capable of supporting both Jimin and Jungmin.

"My friend is looking for a new clerk. It didn't pay a lot but it's better than what you have. It's somewhere near here. If you're interested then I'm signing you up."

"Oh my god Yoongi hyung! That's—that's awesome! Yes! Yes I would love that. Thank you! Thank you!" Jimin said while jumping up and down in excitement.

Seeing his appa in such excitement, making Jungmin stand up and yells excitedly too. Of course the three adults laughs at Jungmin's cuteness. Jimin couldn't express how much he thanked Yoongi and Jin. If it wasn't for them, Jimin wouldn't know what to do and where he'd be now.


"Jin hyung, I'm very sorry for this. It's just that I can't find someone available to look after Jungmin. I'm really sorry." Jimin is fidgeting with his finger. He's very uncomfortable troubling Jin again and again. But he has no choice, it's his first day of work and he couldn't get Jungmin a nanny. Some of them even ask for a higher salary and Jimin surely couldn't afford it. Lucky for him Jin was available that day.

"Hey, no worries, Jungmin is my son too you know. I wouldn't mind looking after him." Jin said with smiles on his face before urging Jimin to left to work.

Standing in front of the building that he's going to work in making Jimin's heart beats faster. He's excited but scared too. It's been so long since he had a real job.

"Uhh... hi, I'm Jimin? I'm the new clerk for the JJ Company... umm... I have an appointment with Mr. Kim at 9.00 am" Jimin said. He hates the way he's stuttering and he hates the way the girl in front of him eyeing him up and down, judging him.

"Third floor. Mr. Kim is in his room" she said uninterested.

Jimin walks to the elevator, press the button and get inside without looking back. There are few other workers with him and he's feeling a bit better when they exchanges smile with him.

"Hi, I have an appointment with Mr. Kim Namjoon at 9.00 am today. May I know where his room is?" he asks the girl at the front door, probably the receptionist.

"Hi, you must be Jimin right? Park Jimin? I'm Sooyoung, Park Sooyoung. I'm glad you're here" she said, smiling brightly. Jimin feels relieved somehow.

"Mr. Kim hasn't come yet, but our boss is already here. Would you like to meet him first?"

Jimin gulps at the question. Sincerely, he's not ready but oh well, perhaps it's a good thing?

"Uhh... if I can. Yes"

"Okay, just go straight and you'll see the biggest room inside, that's boss's office." She pointed towards the biggest room inside. Jimin thanked her and walks inside. Once he gets to the door, he knocks twice and waited for some response.

"Come in"

He carefully opens the door and peeks a little before letting his body inside.

"Ummm, sir, I'm Park Jimin, the new clerk here." Didn't know what to say, Jimin silence himself. He watches the man standing with his back facing Jimin, busy flipping the documents in his hands. Jimin didn't know why, but there's something about this man makes him nervous.

The man, his boss, halts his movement. He slowly turns around facing Jimin.



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