Chapter 5: The First Breakdown

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Jimin sighs deeply as he puts the groceries on the kitchen counter. He admits that once he's pregnant, he gets tired easily. However, he's overjoyed thinking about his surprise plan for Jungkook today. He wants to make a special dinner for Jungkook and tells him about the news. How exciting must it be once Jungkook knows about the news!

Jimin starts humming to himself while preparing for the special dinner. It's almost 6.30pm, so Jungkook must be on his way home by now. Jimin checks all the preparations so that it would be perfect for tonight. While he's struggling to choose which plates should he use for this special occasion, he heard the front door being opened, signaling that Jungkook has come home. He rushes out while trying to hide his grins.

"Welcome home!" Jimin gives Jungkook the sweetest eye smile of his life.

Jungkook said nothing but look at his husband with a stone cold face. Jimin notices the expression of his husband and his smile falls into a frown.

"Jungkook? Is there anything wrong?"

Jungkook didn't say anything. He just look at Jimin's face. His eyes shows coldness, making Jimin feels a little bit nervous.

"No..... Nothing is wrong, my-dear-husband." Jungkook grins towards his husband. Jimin could feel something weird about his husband's smile. It was neither sweet nor sincere. All he could hear is coldness and dangerous tone.

"Are-are you sur---"

Jungkook pins Jimin onto the wall while gripping his hands tightly. He bores his eyes onto Jimin's making Jimin shiver in both pain and scared.

"Why? Did you do something wrong? Why are you stuttering?" he smirks.

"J-Jungkook... it hurts" Jimin whines while trying to lose the grip. He didn't know what happen to Jungkook but one thing for sure, he can smell the alcohol from Jungkook's breath. He knows that Jungkook is drunk. But the question is why? No matter how drunk Jungkook is, he never acts like this before.

"Oh did I? I'm sorry your highness" Jungkook loosen the grips, still smirking towards his husband. Jimin on the other hand still shivering, scared of his husband's gaze.

"Baby, you're so perfect. So, so perfect. But you like to play with fire aren't you? You're playing with fire and one day, you'll get burnt baby. Be careful"

Jungkook kiss Jimin's hand, smirks and walks to the bedroom. Honestly, Jimin feels terrified. He didn't know what happened to Jungkook that makes him behave that way. He also didn't understand what Jungkook means before he walks away. Jimin put up his courage and walks to the bedroom where he saw his husband is sleeping soundly.

'Hmmm.... I guess the surprise has to wait then.'

Jimin can't think straight but he's 50% sure that his husband just drunk-talks, so he decided to call it a day and sleep. He didn't even touch the food he made because those scenes just now makes him lost appetites and makes him exhausted as hell.


The next morning, Jimin could feel the other side of the bed is cold which means that Jungkook is already gone to work. Jimin was upset a bit but when he saw the note left by Jungkook on their nightstand, he smiles brightly again.

'Baby, come home early today, I have a surprised for you.'

Jimin squeals excitedly reading the notes. Well, if Jungkook has a surprise for him, he also has a surprise for his dear husband and of course his would be the best! Jimin hums happily while getting ready to meet hobi. He wanted to tell him that he couldn't join the next dance sessions as he's pregnant now. He knows for sure that Jungkook wouldn't allow him to work anymore.


Jungkook keeps on looking at the email that he received yesterday. Nothing could exactly described his feeling right now. He felt angry, sad, frustrated, mad and even betrayed. Never has he thought that Jimin would do things like this to him. Jimin has cheated on him!

Yes, the emails that he received yesterday is the pictures of Jimin and Taemin naked on the bed together. He's sure the picture was taken when Taemin was here 2 months ago. He couldn't control his anger any longer, he grabs all the files on his table and throws them right at the walls. He hates it, loathes when other people eyes him Jimin but when he sees those pictures he couldn't accept it. The thought of Taemin's hands touching Jimin's body making his blood boiling in anger.

The divorce paper is now in his hand. Already signed by him. He didn't want to divorce Jimin but he couldn't live with the thought that Jimin has been touched by other man than him.

*knock knock*

"Sir, these are the files that you need to sign for our next meeting" Sana, Jungkook's secretary, places the documents on Jungkook's desk.

Jungkook eyes her from top to toe. He smirks when he sees how ravishing and reveling Sana's dress is. He thought if Jimin betrayed him, then why not get some revenge first?


"Jimin ah, are you sure you want to quit? I mean you're the best dancer and the best teacher I've ever have. Where should I fine someone as good as you?" Hobie pouts, trying to convince Jimin not to quit when Jimin doesn't even tell him the reason.

"Hyung~ I need time for Jungkook. I'll tell you when its time okay?" Jimin giggles while holding Hobie's hand, trying to console his friend's heart before waving goodbyes.

Jimin hums happily while trying to open the door with his keys. Once he steps inside the house, his heart beats fast. For some reason, he feels uneasy. Like something didn't right.

"Jungkook?" Jimin thought he heard some noise coming from their room, so he walks towards the bedroom. The noise becomes clearer and clearer. Jimin swears he could hear moans coming from inside the room. With trembling hands, teary eyes, he turn the door knob just to found his husband balls deep in a woman he never see before.

Jimin shouts as loud as he can. His tears fall freely from his eyes. His hands are shaking, his whole body is trembling. Emotions overflowed inside him right now. Jimin is having his biggest mental breakdown.



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