Chapter 18: What Have You Done?

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"Mr. Jeon?" Jimin knocks on Jungkook's door.

"Come in"

Jimin let himself inside Jungkook's office. He looks at Jungkook, who's standing right in front of the shelf, fiddling around, looking for certain file.

"Mr. Jeon, sir, I'm sorry if I've caused problems to the company." Jimin seriously didn't know what to say. Losing a big deal for the company makes him guilty as hell.

"No, Jimin. It wasn't your fault. I'm sorry if I scared you earlier. I didn't like the way he talks to you." Jungkook lowered his head. Jimin could see his ears redden a bit.

"But it's an important deal for the company and I ruined it. I-----"

"Hey, shhh... it wasn't your fault. You did great." Jungkook said, holding Jimin's hands and slowly caressing the back of Jimin's hands. Jimin didn't even know why he didn't push Jungkook away this time.

"You did great. Your reports are good, you should be proud of yourself. It wasn't your fault. It's just a misunderstanding but that guy was too ego. We didn't need him anyway. We have other buyers waiting in line. Don't worry. You did great Jimin ah." Jungkook smiles at him. Jimin swears, he misses that smile very much.

Jimin quickly pulls his hands away from Jungkook's. He bows towards Jungkook and dash out of his office. He really didn't like how he's behaving around Jungkook. He should be hating him, wasn't he? But why does it hurts less now?



Jimin turn his head, he saw Yoongi, sitting next to him while he has Jungmin sleeping on his lap. He smiles at him before turning his gaze towards his son. Jimin slowly caress Jungmin's hair while watching him sucking on his thumb in his sleep. No matter how much Jimin tries to deny it, Jungmin looks exactly like Jungkook.

Jimin feels Yoongi's finger on his cheek, wiping away tears that has fallen from his eyes. He didn't even realizes that he's tearing up.

"hyung......... why does it hurts so much? Why did it have to be this way? Why did looking at him, being near him is soothing but hurts as well? Why did I feel like I wanted him near but at the same time he's hurting me too much? I can't take it anymore hyung, it hurts. It----hurts so much" Jimin cries on Yoongi's shoulder, keeping his son close to his chest.

"It's okay Jimin... you're okay. You're doing okay" Yoongi slowly pats Jimin's head, hands still on Jimin's waist, trying his best to keep Jimin feels safe in his embrace.

"I'm tired hyung.... I don't know if I can hold it any longer." Jimin keeps on sobbing, while Yoongi just keeps his silence, waits for Jimin to calm himself down.


"39.4˚C. Hmm, Jimin you should rest today. I'll call your office for you." Jin said looking at the reading of Jimin's body temperature.

"Appa... Appa sick?" Jungmin said while placing his hand on Jimin's forehead.

Jimin wants to laugh at his son's cuteness. Wonder where he learnt to do that.

"Jungminie, don't disturb appa. Let him have some rest. Why don't you help me make porridge for appa?" Jin said, gesturing Jungmin to follow him to the kitchen. Of course Jungmin would excitedly follow his uncwe Jin, happily.

Jimin spent the rest of his day, lying on the couch. Once he woke up from his nap, he could see his son silently playing with his toys. Probably trying his best to not to disturb his appa.

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