Chapter 4: The News

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It's been two months after Taemin goes back to Busan. After all, he's just come to Seoul for a business purposes and to meet Jimin. Of course Jimin misses the older boy just like how he misses his friends and family. True that his family always visited him here, but he just misses the air of Busan. It's been so long since their last visit. Jungkook is too busy and Jimin is dying of bored in his house. He used to work before, but since he got an admirer in his office, Jungkook demand him to quit his job. Jimin didn't have any choice but to quit. Now, he's just helping Hobie with some dance moves. Trust him, he goes through a lot to convince Jungkook to let him helping Hobie from time to times.

This morning, Jimin wakes up feeling a slight headache and upset stomach. He keeps on throwing up since dawn and he didn't even know why. Probably the best reason is because he didn't have proper meals these days. It wasn't his fault though. He wants to eat but once the food is in front of him, he lost his appetites.

"Babe are you throwing up again this morning?" Jungkook asks while placing his hands on Jimin's forehead, checking if his husband is down with fever or something. To his relief, Jimin's body didn't show any signs of fever.

"I feel worse." Jimin nods before answering. He just didn't have the energy to open his eyes. He needs some sleep right now.

"Okay, just get some rest. I'll put your breakfast on the nightstand along with your meds. If it didn't works, call me right away, I'll bring you to clinic okay?"

Jimin nods his head, too weak to say anything right now. Jungkook kiss his husband's forehead before leaving to work. Sincerely, he didn't want to leave Jimin in this state. But unfortunately, he has a very big meeting with his shareholders today and he can't miss it. So, he decides to just leave after meeting straight to home.


Jimin woke up later that day. His headache still didn't go away and he's so frustrated right now. He didn't even know why he's emotionally sensitive today. He feels like crying but he doesn't even know why. Jimin decided to take a shower, perhaps it will help a bit.

He takes his towel and pull himself towards the bathroom. Two step after that, he started to feel dizzy again. He tried to pinch his forehead, hoping that it would ease the dizziness. Unfortunately, it didn't. And the next thing he knows is...


"Jimin!" Taehyung was supposed to check on Jimin today. Jungkook ask him to check on Jimin since he's not feeling well this morning. But what Taehyung gets when he step inside Jimin's room is an unconscious Jimin, lying on the floor. He's panicking a lot and all he can think of right now is hospital. He picks Jimin up and place him in his car before he drives towards the hospital. He didn't even know how fast he's driving right now. All he knows is that Jimin must be saved.


"Tae? What are you doing here? ......................... Where are we?"

Jimin opens his eyes and the first thing he sees is an angry looking Taehyung. He averts his gaze to his surrounding only to find unfamiliar scenery.

"Hospital. Jimin! I told to stop your excessive diet! Look what happened to you now!"

"ughh Tae, please don't shout. And I didn't diet. I've been eating like a pig these days."

Taehyung is about to say something when they heard the door is being opened from outside. Once the doctor enters the room, Taehyung excuses himself, saying that he'll be leaving to get some food.

"Mr. Jeon, I'm glad that you're awake now. How are you feeling?"

"Ummm better. Thank you doctor. If I may ask, is there something wrong with me?" Jimin bites his lips in anxious. Is he going to die? Did he suffer from a serious illness? He wants to know why.

"No. Not at all. It's just that I believe you need to take a lot of rest and to stop doing heavy work. I suggest some light exercises every morning will help."

"Ummm... am I going to be okay?" Jimin asks, obviously nervous right now.

"No you're not. Well, at least for the early few months" the doctor smiles towards him.

Jimin frowns at the doctor, clearly didn't understand what he's trying to say.

"Congratulations Mr. Jeon! You're three weeks pregnant!"

Both of Jimin's eyes wide open. Jimin couldn't believe in what he heard. After three years of trying, he's now pregnant? Oh my god! This is seriously a very-very good news! Jimin could feel that his cheeks is wet by now. Jungkook must be so happy. He wipes the tears on his cheeks and thanks the doctors.

"Jimin ah, what did the dotor said?"

"He said--- ummm I just need some more rest" Jimin smirks. He wanted Jungkook to be the first person to know about his pregnancy. Sorry Taehyung, but you have to wait.

Along the way home, Taehyung keeps on nagging to Jimin on how he should take cares of his own body. Jimin could only smile at his best friend. Oh Tae, if only you know.


Jungkook feels so exhausted once the meeting is done. He plops down on his chair and decided to take a rest for a little bit before going back to Jimin.


He glances at his laptop and saw a new email. He clicks on it thinking that it must from buyers or something. However, the content of the email wasn't a job related. His eyes widen when he sees that email. He balls up his fist before slamming his desk loudly.



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