Chapter 11: Found Him

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Jungkook has been fighting with his own self by now. He started searching for Jimin since the day he knows the truth and he hasn't stop once. Jungkook is losing his mind. He wants to meet Jimin and apologize but a part of his heart is scared. This is not a simple mistake that can be forgiven with an apology. No! It can't. Jungkook knows it well. But he can't live like this. The whole part of 'living without Jimin' was never okay for him. He had suffers a lot every single day before and now, he wouldn't know what to do if---- when Jimin rejects his apologies.

Jungkook released a deep sigh, palming his face with his own hands. He's been sitting on his office all day without doing anything except for staring blankly at the only picture of him and Jimin left. He threw all other pictures when they officially divorce except for this one. No matter how much he hates it, he can't bring himself to throw the picture away. Probably not the hate that he felt, but the love that he still has for the other.

"Jungkook! I found it!"

Jungkook startled when Taehyung suddenly barge into his office. "Found what?" Jungkook asks in confusion. He's not in a mood for anything right now.

"Yoongi hyung's number." Taehyung pants a bit. Clearly he's been running to Jungkook's office. But for what? Jungkook clearly didn't know how any of this related to Jimin.

"So? Look Tae, I'm not in the mood for work. If this is about deal or something you can j---"

"Jimin is with him."

"What?" Jungkook's eyes widen at Taehyung's words.

"I'm not 100% sure about this... yet... but! Think about it kook ah. None of his friends or families know his whereabouts. And it was clearly impossible for him to settle down by himself. He clearly, definitely asks for someone's help and that someone is none other than Yoongi hyung! Only Yoongi hyung.... We didn't asks him about Jimin yet. Only him left. He's our last hope kook ah"

Jungkook looks at the piece of paper in Taehyung's hand. He wants to cry, he wants to thank Taehyung for helping him but he's scared. This might be his only chance to meet Jimin, apologies and perhaps starts a new life together with him again. But he was so scared. He messed up big time. He didn't even know what to say to fix this mess.

"Jungkook ah---"

"Tae.... I'm.... I don't know. What should I do Tae? I want him so bad. I miss him too much. Life without him is like--- like dying. I'm scared Tae.... What if Jimin won't forgive me? What if he hates me??"

Jungkook cries with Yoongi's number tightly in his grip. Taehyung's heart is broken completely seeing Jungkook in this state. It wasn't just Jungkook's fault. Taehyung also at fault here. He blindly accused Jimin to cheat on Jungkook without hearing Jimin's explanations. Seriously, what kind of friend is he?

"I've been through hell once, when I let Jimin walk away from my life. Watching him leaving with tears on his beautiful face was never easy Tae. Never. I can't---- I can't bear to watch him leaving once again Tae, I will die!!"

"Kook... I know. It wasn't easy to mend this mistake. But you have to try. You gotta be strong kook! I didn't say it was going to be easy, but if you didn't asks for forgiveness, then, you will lose Jimin forever. But if you fight for it, perhaps, your love will win."

Jungkook calms himself down. Taehyung was right. He needed this. He needs to be strong. No matter what happen, he will try his best to beg forgiveness from Jimin. Jungkook swears to himself, he will, win Jimin's heart once again and when he does, he won't let Jimin go. Never again!


"Seriously Jin hyung? Can't you buy things in different color? Why all of it are pink? Jungmin is a boy!" Yoongi throws an annoyed looks at the pink shoes in front of him.

"*gasp* what is wrong with pink? I wear pink too and you didn't seem to have any problem with it!"

"Boys should wear black! Black is cool" Yoongi crosses his arm, ready to fight his boyfriend back.

"You are being stereotype Yoongi! Colors don't matter! Boys can wear pink and Jungmin look so adorable in pink~"

"Yeah but black makes him look cool!" Yoongi snatched the pink pajamas away and replace it with the balck one. Jin was shocked and ready to fight back.

"Okay guys, this needs to stop!" Jimin comes in between the couple and calms them down.

"I really appreciate what you did for Jungmin and me. But we can't accept this. Not that I don't think that its good but I don't want to trouble you guys anymore. You guys did a lot for me and I don't even know if I can pay you back."

"What are you talking about? Jungmin is my nephew, our nephew and we will give him all the loves and attention we have for him" Jin said while holding Yoongi's hand, trying to make Yoongi agrees with him.

"He's right, Jungmin is a part of our family. A very important and special one too. Of course we want to spoil him!" Yoongi said before back to bickers with Jin on which color suits Jungmin best.

Jimin just smiles and his friends' behavior. He's thankful. Very thankful for everything that these two had done for him. If it wasn't for them, Jimin didn't even know how to live by now.

"Okay, let's do it this way. Rock-scissor-paper!" Jin suggest. But before Yoongi could say anything, his phone is ringing with an unfamiliar number on his screen.

"Hello" he picks up the call.

[uhh... h-hello... may I speak to min Yoongi?]

"Yeah? It's me. Who's this" Yoongi knows that voice but he can't remember.

[J-Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook]

Yoongi froze for a second. He never thought that Jungkook would call him after all this years. Yoongi stands up and walks to the balcony, trying to avoid Jimin or Jin from hearing his conversation with Jungkook.

"What's up Jungkook ah?"

[uhhh... I'm fine... ummm hyung, I just want to ask. Is Jimin.... Is Jimin with you?]

"Wasn't he's married to you? Why would you ask me about him?"

[It's a long story... please tell me he's with you]

"Jungkook ah, I has never seen him after your wedding day. Is there something wrong with you guys?" Yoongi lies. He needs Jungkook's explanations.

[hyung, I know he's there. He's with you right? Please tell the truth]

Yoongi can hear faint sobs and cracks from Jungkook's voice. He sound so broken but Yoongi wasn't going to be easy on him.

"Nope he's not"

[I--- I know i made a mistake. Hell a big one. B-but hyung, I really love him.... I regret every seconds of it. Every day.... hyung help me please....]

Yoongi bit his lips. He can feel how much Jungkook suffers from his voice but still, he's mad at Jungkook for making Jimin going through hell before.

"Look, if you really loves him, you wouldn't do this to him. I'm sorry but I can't help you. Jimin didn't deserve your kind of treatment. Don't call me again."

Yoongi hung up the call. He glances back at the smiling Jimin with his newborn baby in his hand. Nope, he's not going to ruin this beautiful moment right here. Jimin doesn't need to know about this.


"Tae...... Jimin's with Yoongi hyung"

Jungkook looks at his phone. He smiles widely when Yoongi hung up the call. Jimin is with Yoongi, otherwise he wouldn't say that. There's still hope for him and Jungkook will fight for it.


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