Chapter 20: Shake My Heart

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"Jimin ah, why did you always say no when Jungkook asks you to hang around but you said yes everytime I asked you out?" Taehyung said, sipping his cold drink.

"Tae, you're my friend. I forgave both of you. But there's a huge difference between a friend, and the person you love the most. It hurts so badly when my best friend lose trust in me, but it hurts 10th times more when my husband lose faith in me. I love him once, but it's too painful to just forget about it. I can't take." Jimin stirs his drinks. Suddenly lose appetite.

Jungmin is now with Jungkook, playing at the WaterPark. While Jimin is hanging out with Taehyung. The things that he did every single week when Jungkook starts to spend his time with Jungmin. Their relationship is getting better and better at the office, but Jungkook is aware that Jimin didn't want any further relationship with him. Probably the farthest that he would go, is the 'friendship' status.

"Give him a chance to make it right. Jimin, I know you're hurt. But you're not the only one. Jungkook too, has been going through a lot. He's suffered from it too. It was his mistake, I know, but it was not fair for both of you if you didn't give him a chance." Taehyung holds Jimin's hand, trying to assure him. Jimin just sighs and looks away.


"Appa, why didn't daddy live here?" Jungmin asks, playing with Jimin's finger while sitting comfortably in his lap.

"Do you want daddy to live here?" Jimin asks back.

"Yes, Minjoo and Soyoung's daddy all live with them but Jungmin's daddy lives far away~ Jungmin didn't like that appa." Jungmin pouts a bit making Jimin laughs at his son's cuteness.

"Daddy can't live here. We don't have any room for him"

"He can share my room. We can play until morning!" Jungmin exclaims excitedly. Begging his appa to allow his daddy to move in.

"We'll see" Jimin ruffles his son's hair before walking towards the kitchen. He ignores the whine from the living room as soon as he steps into the kitchen. To be honest he didn't want to raise Jungmin's expectation but he knows if he keeps on refusing, Jungmin will asks for the reasons why and he didn't have the answer for that.

"Appa! Daddy's here!" Jungmin said, excitedly pointing towards the door. Jimin who's in the middle of cooking froze froze for a second. He didn't expect Jungkook to come on weekdays. Usually Jungkook will visit during weekends only. Jimin wipes his hand and walks to the living room where Jungkook and Jungmin are talking happily.

"----and then they say the dragon is the bad guy. And then they throw the stones to it. But the dragon is nice daddy." Jungmin said, waving his t-rex with a fake wings made from papers in front of Jungkook.

Jungkook just listens to Jungmin's story while giggling happily. He didn't even notice that Jimin is standing right in front of him until Jimin release a fake cough to grab his attention.

"uhhh.... I didn't know you're coming. Ummm did you have your dinner yet? If you didn't, I can cook some for you too....?" Jimin asks, fidgeting on his feet.

"Yeah... Uh sorry I didn't tell you first. I just miss Jungmin a little bit too much tonight...." Jungkook showers Jungmin with lots of kisses, making Jungmin giggles.

"Oh... uhh don't bother cooking for me. I can grab something on my way back" Jungkook furrows his eyebrows towards Jimin. He didn't want to trouble Jimin too much. Both of them just get back from work and to ask Jimin to cook for him might be a bit too much.

"Daddy's not staying?" Jungmin asks while pouting. Clearly he's upset that his daddy going to leave him. He gets more upset when Jungkook just hums to his questions. He want Jungkook to stay, he looks at Jimin with a teary eyes, pleading for his appa to console his daddy to stay.

"Nonsense, if you didn't eat yet, I'll cook for you. We'll have dinner together. Jungminie, accompany your daddy while I'm cooking will you?" Jimin only walks to the kitchen again once Jungmin nods his head, agreeing to keep his daddy's company.

While he's cooking, Jimin could hear the laughter from the living room. He knows that Jungmin really loves his daddy. He enjoys Jungkook's company a lot. Deep inside, he knows that Jungkook really really loves their son. Of course he did, Jungkook has been longing for a child long before. So, it makes sense when Jungkook willingly to spend all his time with Jungmin and he's glad for that.

Their dinner went splendid with Jungkook's and Jungmin's laughters while Jimin smiling looking at those two. Jimin could clearly see that all Jungkook's doing with Jungmin was not pretend, not just his effort to get back with him. Instead, he could clearly see the affection and loves from Jungkook to Jungmin. Once they had their dinner, Jungkook waited for Jungmin to fall asleep first before taking his leave.

"Uhh, thank you for the food, it was awesome."

"Thank you for coming here. Jungmin had a really good time." Jimin smiles at Jungkook making Jungkook stunned for a bit looking at the wonderful eye-smile.

"............... oh yeah. Almost forgot. I got you something." Jungkook opens the car door and takes out a small bouquet of amaryllis.

"Oh... thank you. What does this mean?" Jimin asks while smelling the flowers.

"It's for you to find out. I'll see you tomorrow." Jungkook waves his hand, gets into the car and drive away.

Jimin waited until Jungkook's car was out of his sight then he enters his house. He place the flowers into a vase on the table. Thinking about the meaning of those flowers, Jimin quickly grabs his phone and Google it.

-Amaryllis – Splendid beauty-

Jimin blushes reading the meaning of the flowers. Slowly, his walls are crumbling down. It wasn't just because of the flowers. It was everything. The way Jungkook treat Jungmin, the way he protects Jimin, the efforts he showed, simply everything. Jimin knows he's starting to fall in love with Jungkook all over again, but he still wants to take the time to accept him completely.


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