Chapter 22: I need You

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The sound of wheels, the beeping sounds on that stupid machine is loud and clear in Jimin's ears. Jungkook's blood are all over his chest, his arms and even on Jungmin's small body. His hands keeps on pushing the bed towards the surgery room. Jungmin keeps on crying on his shoulders. Jimin keeps Jungmin close to him while his feet are running with Jungkook on the bed. Tears didn't stop running from both of their eyes.

For the first time in his life, he was terrified. Totally terrified.

"Sorry sir, but you can't get past this door" the nurse stops Jimin from entering the surgery room and pushes Jungkook inside.

Jimin froze there. His mind went blank. He couldn't register what has happened, he couldn't even hear how loud Jungmin is crying and screaming for his daddy. He stood in front of the door for quite a long time. He only moves when Yoongi and Jin comes. Jin takes Jungmin from Jimin's tight grip while Yoongi hugs Jimin, comforting him. That's when Jimin breaks down into tears. He cried his heart out. All kind of emotions flowing inside him non-stop. Je was terrified.

"He's going to be okay. Don't worry. Don't worry" Yoongi pats Jimin's back. Jin brings Jungmin away from them, he tried his best to comfort Jungmin. Jin also starts to get teary seeing how Jimin breaking down like that.

Hours has past and yet nobody has come out form that surgery room. Jungmin is asleep on Jin's laps now, tired from screaming and crying. Jimin still didn't say anything. He keeps on staring on the white walls. Nothing Yoongi said seems to enter his mind at all. Taehyung arrived shortly after Jin and Yoongi came. He tried to talk to Jimin but Jimin didn't even seem to realize that he's there.

"Family of Mr. Jeon?" the surgeon came out from the door, making everyone stands up immediately. Jimin's eyes gone wide, he's afraid of what the doctor might've said.

"Uh, we're his closest friends. His family couldn't be here now." Taehyung said, secretly looking at Jimin.

"Well, aside from his broken left arm, we have successfully removed all the broken glasses on his body. Unfortunately, due to the huge impact on his head, he might've not going to be conscious for the next few days. I couldn't say exactly when he's going to wake up. But even if he did wakes up, there might be a chance that he's going to lose his memories. Either partially or fully, we didn't know yet. That's all I can say for now"

"Can we see him?" Yoongi asks, holding Jimin's hand tightly.

"Well, not now. I think you all should get some rest first. We'll move him to the private room soon. That's when you guys are allowed to meet him." the doctors excuses himself.

"Jimin? You've heard him. Let's go get something to eat first. Okay?" Yoongi soad, trying to get Jimin to move.

"No, I wanna stay here."

Taehyung was about to say something, trying to convince Jimin that staying there would be useless anyway. But Yoongi shooks his head towards Taehyung, making him silence himself.

"You guys go ahead, buy something for us. I'll be here with Jimin and Jungmin." Jin said, looking at Yoongi and Taehyung.

Both of them just nod and walk away. Jimin didn't say anything more after that. His eyes fixed towards the closed door, wondering when Jungkook would be taken out form there. He was scared. He just want to see Jungkook.


Jimin was never fond of the smell of hospital. But this time, he endures it, for Jungkook. Jimin place the flowers on the nightstand, replacing the old one. It's been three weeks since the accident and Jungkook still remain unconscious. Every single day, Jimin and Jungmin will come and visit him. And that every day, Jungmin will come and read his daddy a story from his storybook collection.

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