Chapter 23: Please Be Here

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Jimin turns his head towards the voice calling him. He saw Namjoon standing at the pantry's door. Just then, he realized that he's been stirring the coffee in his hand for a bit too long. The coffee is now a bit cold. Jimin sighs a bit. He placed the coffee down and walks to his desk. But Namjoon stops him.

"You're not in a condition of working right now. Go. Wake Jungkook up for us. Tell him that he's been lazying a lot." Namjoon pats Jimin's hand and smiles at him. Jimin wasted no time, he quickly went to the hospital right after he said thanks to Namjoon.

Once he's arrived at the hospital, he quickly runs to Jungkook's room. But once he saw Jungkook was not there, he's panicking. He search the whole room for Jungkook but he's not there. Jimin runs towards the counter, panting heavily, asking for Jungkook. His heart races, his tears falling down like a river.

"J—Jeon Jung—kook. Where is he? Please tell me he's ok---okay... please"

"Calm down sir. Please... Mr. Jeon was moved to other ward. He's fine. Don't worry sir, he's in room 214 and he--- sir? Sir wait!"

Jimin didn't even listen to what the nurse told him. All he knows is Jungkook is in room 214. He quickly runs to the room.

"-----fine in a few days"

"Thank you doctor."

Both of Jungkook and the doctor turns their head towards the door once they heard the door was being opened from the outside. Jungkook's eyes widen seeing Jimin, face redden, tears on his cheeks, panting heavily.


Jimin walks slowly towards Jungkook, tears keeps on falling on his cheeks. Jungkook blinks his eyes a few times, he was unable to say anything. Like he's waiting for Jimin to do something first. Once Jimin was standing right next to his bed, Jimin burst into tears. He cried as loud as he can, making Jungkook panicking a lot.

"h-hey, Jimin... don't cry... Please... oh god, I'm fine. Please don't cry baby"

"I--- I don't-- you---you--- you're awake---"Jimin said while sobbing hard. Jungkook moves his hand, pulling Jimin to sit down on his bed.

"Syhh baby, I'm fine. I'm awake now. Don't cry." Jungkook caress Jimin's back once he sits down. It was hard for him to move, but he tried anyway. Jimin is more important to him right now.

"i---missed you—Jungmin--- he—too... Jungkook—I'm scared. Don't leave me... I wanna be with—with you... don't leave me---"Jimin continued crying. In fact, he's crying harder than before by now. Jimin hugs Jungkook suddenly, making Jungkook yelps in pain.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to!" Jimin was panicking, but his tears didn't seem to be stopping. Not yet.

"Its fine, I'm fine. I'm fine." Jungkook slowly hugs Jimin back, making both of them comfortable in each other's embrace.

Jimin hasn't stop crying. He keeps on murmuring 'don't leave me' against Jungkook's chest. Jungkook smiles while patting Jimin's back until he calm himself down.

"Do you know? I was trapped in a white space while I was unconscious. I keep on finding ways to get out of there. Get back to you and Jungmin. But I couldn't find the way. I was about to give up you know? But your voice. Your voice guides me back." Jungkook whispers against Jimin's ears sofly. He could feels that Jimin's sobbing has been slowing down by now.

"I heard everything you've said...... to be honest, I would give everything up just to be with you and Jungmin. I want to protect both of you. My angels. So, I do need to know..... Do you really mean what you've said that time? Because if you do, I swear I would never—never ever ever let you go anymore."

Jimin slowly lifts his head up, looking at Jungkook. He stares at Jungkook's eyes, nodding his head slowly. Jungkook smiles, wiping away the tears on his cheeks.

"I—want to be with you. I don't want to live without you. Can we--- can we do that?" Jimin holds Jungkook's hand.

"Yes. I want it, more than anything." Jungkook connects their head together, chuckling in happiness. He didn't even realize that his tears also fallen down, along with Jimin's. Both of them keeps on giggling together despite of tears running down their eyes.

Yes, Jimin didn't regret this. He want to be with Jungkook.



Jungmin runs straight to Jungkook's open arm. He cried while hugging his daddy tightly.

"Uffff, yup. Definitely your son" Jungkook crunches his face, looking at Jimin with slight pain on his abdomen.

"Jungmin ah, daddy's hurt, don't hug him too tightly" Jimin tried to tear Jungmin away from Jungkook.

"Daddy, I'm sorry--- I didn't mean to make daddy hurt. I love you daddy" Jungmin wipes his own tears with his tiny hands.

Jungkook laughs at his son's cuteness. He slowly takes Jungmin in his arm and hugs him.

"I love you too buddy. I'm fine now. Don't worry, daddy's strong!" Jungkooks aid, comforting his son. He's happy that Jungmin is safe. He wouldn't forgive himself if anything happened to Jungmin.

"Kook. You sure took a damn long time" Yoongi throws him a pack of towel while chuckling happily.

"Hyung! Thank god, now I'm sure I'm not dead." Jungkook laughs looking at Yoongi, Taehyung and Jin in front of him.

They spent their time talking and bonding with each other. Jungkook is so happy. He's happy that he's able to be with his family once again. He's glad that he got his family back. There would be nothing in this world that Jungkook wouldn't give up for them.

Jungkook glances at Jimin, looking at his angelic smile that he once fell in love with. He looks at his son, Jungmin who carries the same smile as his appa. Jungkook smiles looking at them. This is it, his world, his paradise, his own heaven. Once Jimin and him shares a glance, they knows that they once again, fallen in love with each other.


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