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*A year later*

"Jimin hurry up! We're going to be late!"

"God hyung, wait up! We're going to make it anyway"

Jin is practically dragging Jimin to move faster. The groom is already waiting at the end of the aisle and yet here they are, still unable to calm themselves down. Well, especially the other groom, of course.

"Damn it Min Yoongi! I didn't know why I said yes in the first place! He drives me crazy with this nervousness!" Jin complains while getting ready, checking his make up one more time.

"Oh shut it hyung, you're practically crying and hitting him when he proposed, said he took a hell damn long enough." Jimin sarcastically mocking Jin.

"Oh god, I'm feeling nauseous. Do I look okay? Tell me I look good!" Jin shakes Jimin's shoulders, he's panicking a lot.

"Calm down! You're gorgeous!"

"I really love him you know. I want to look good for him." Jin bites his lips. He didn't know why he's being so emotional.

"Hyung, you're going to be fine. He loves you too. Everything about you" Jin smiles looking at Jimin. He nods his head and starts to get ready once again. This time, a little less nervous than before.



"Nope. I'm fine" Yoongi keeps on buttoning and unbutton his sleeves. Clearly looks nervous as hell.

Shortly after that, Jin enters the hall with beautiful flowers in his hands, walking gracefully towards his groom. Yoongi was stunned. Of course Jin is beautiful, but today, he looks more beautiful than ever.

Jimin on the other hand, panting heavily. He caress his swollen stomach slowly while walking to his seat where Jungmin and Taehyung is already waiting for him.

"Why are you so late?" Taehyung whispers once Jimin sits down comfortably, letting Jungmin caress his stomach.

"Blame it on Jin hyung. He's been depressed all morning on which flowers he should take, pink or cherry roses. I mean they all looks damn same to me!" Jimin huffs, still trying to even his breathing. But once he saw the wedding, how they change their vows, Jimin's eyes get teary. He was happy. So happy for them.

The wedding went awesome. Everything runs smoothly, everything was beautiful. Once the grooms left, Jimin released a relieved breath.

"Seriously Jimin, how many months are you now?" Taehyung asks, he's a bit fascinated seeing how active Jimin moves even when with his swollen stomach.

"7th... this little bean is coming out in another two months. And then I'll be free."

Jungkook chuckles seeing how exhausted his husband is. At first, Jimin was supposed to be yoonJin's best man, but then, he got pregnant and he had to pass the role to his husband. Jungkook was honored to accept that role. Jin and Yoongi has been helping him a lot in his life, he wouldn't say no to the offer.

Jimin was a little bit salty, to be honest. He's been so excited to be their best man, but yeah. Things happened and he didn't regret this actually. He's happy that he's pregnant. That's why Jin still asks him to plan their wedding so that Jimin wouldn't be feeling so 'left out'.


"Jungmin go wash up first." Jungkook said, while placing the car keys on the table.

"Okay daddy!" Jungmin runs towards his room to get changed. Yes, last year, right a month after Jungkook was released from hospital, they move into Jungkook's house. Of course Jungmin is the happiest person, he's been wanting to live with his father since a long time ago.

"Hey....." Jungkook climbs on the bed where Jimin is resting. He's caressing his stomach slowly, looking at Jungkook with fond in his eyes.

"Hey you"

"You look tired" Jungkook grabs one of Jimin's feet and starts massaging him.

"Where's Jungmin?"

"He's washing up." Jungkook takes Jimin's other feet and starts massaging it slowly.

Jimin just hums as answer, enjoying the massage on his sore foot. He closed his eyes, trying to rest for a bit. Once Jimin was about to fall asleep, he felt something wet on his feet. When he opens his eyes, he sees Jungkook, tearing up. He leans towards Jungkook and caress his cheeks, wiping the tears away.

"Sorry..... It's just—seeing you like this makes me regrets lots of thing. I wasn't there when you had Jungmin. And seeing you--- tired, sore like this broke my heart. I'm sorry I wasn't there before" Jungkook leans in towards Jimin's hands, closing his eyes, letting the tears fall freely.

"Hey.... You're here now, and that's all matter." Jimin smiles at his husband fondly.

"Thank you for not giving up on me, on us." Jungkook leans in and hugs Jimin dearly.

"Daddy!! It's not fair!"

Both Jimin and Jungkook turn to look at pouting Jungmin by the door.

"I want hugs too~" Jungmin runs towards his parent and hugs them tightly. Jungkook and Jimin could only laugh looking at their son.

Forgiveness wasn't easy. But Jimin learn to forgive and he regrets nothing of it. There's a lot to learn, a hell lot mistakes are bounf to happen. But they're good. They'll be fine on their own. And now that they're together again, Jimin is glad that Jungkook never gave up on trying. 10 years ago, he's fallen in love with Jungkook and now, he can proudly say that he's still in love with the same guy. And so does Jungkook. Jimin looks at his husband and his son with smile on his face. This is it. This is not the end, in fact, this is the beginning of the new chapter in their life.


-The End- 

(Or not)

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