Chapter 21: Another Chance

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"Jimin ah, are you sure you're not getting back with Jungkook?" Jin asks when they have their 'family dinner' this week.

Jimin sighs hearing Jin's questions. He glances at Yoongi who seems to seek for his answers too.

"I---I don't know." Jimin place his chopsticks down.

"Jimin, Jungkook looks like he really regrets everything that he'd done to you. And looking at what he did to redeem himself, I think he's sincere about having both you and Jungmin back in his life." Yoongi pats Jimin's hand, assuring him to rethink about his relationship with Jungkook.

"I'm scared hyung.... What if--- what if he--- I don't know hyung. I'm just scared to trust him again"

"Jimin. Give him a chance. I'm sure he wouldn't hurt you again." Jin said, holding Jimin's hand while glancing at his boyfriend.

Jimin didn't say anything. He just stares at Jungmin who's happily eating his noodles. Jimin thought that he wouldn't have anyone else aside from Jungmin. He didn't expect that Jungkook would come back to his life like this. To be honest, he's more than ready to start a new life just with Jungmin and his hyungs. But things might be different now. He has the chance to have a complete family. But he wasn't sure if his heart is ready for this or not.

"I'll---- I'll think about it."


"Jungmin ah, stop running, you'll hurt yourself!" Jimin chase after his son, who's running around excitedly. He's busy packing his toys into his backpack. Jungkook promised him to bring him to the beach today, so, he's super excited for it.

"Appa! I can't fit my ball in here~" Jungmin whines when he couldn't pack the ball inside his backpack. Jimin laughs looking at his son who's struggling with the ball.

"Of course it wouldn't fit in. just hold onto it. Give it to daddy later so that he could hold it for you. Okay?" Jimin said, while packing Jungmin's and Jungkook's lunch into a small basket.

*Ring - Ding Dong*

"Appa! Daddy's here! Hurry hurry!" Jungmin jumps up and down in excitement before rushing towards the door. He opens the door and immediately jumps onto Jungkook's embrace.

"Hi there buddy. You seem excited." Jungkook balance Jungmin in his hand, afraid that he would fall. Jungmin only giggles and tighten his arms around Jungkook's neck.

"Hi" Jimin hands Jungkook the basket filled their lunch and Jungmin's forgotten backpack.

"Hey. Ummm thanks for the food."

"It's fine. Have fune." Jimin ruffles his son's hair before kissing his cheek.

"Uhh... you know, it might be too much for both of us." Jungkook said, gesturing to the food.

"Oh don't worry, Jungmin eats plenty." Jimin said with smile.

'Damn, Jungkook, just ask him already'

Jungkook is battling inside his mind. He wants to invite Jimin to go with them but he's afraid that Jimin would refuse, like always.

"Uhhh... well, maybe. Um..... The weather's seems nice! Especially if you're going out. Ummm... I'm just saying, this weather is perfect for the beach. Like... uhh..." Jungkook's eyes wanders from Jimin's eyes to everywhere else aside from Jimin.

Jungkook sighs, didn't know what to say. "I'll see you later"

As he was about to walk away, Jimin stops him. He grabs Jungkook's shirt, making him turn around, facing Jimin with furrowed eyebrows. He could see Jimin is biting his lips, pondering about something.

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