Chapter 17: The Wall Is Cracking

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Jimin sighs as he sees the flowers on his desk as usual. He knows Jungkook is stubborn, but to this extend even when Jimin already make it clear on Jungkook's face yesterday? Well, Jimin has to say, he's at least a bit impressed with Jungkook's effort. But this, is not enough.


'I know you're mad at me. I'm mad at myself to too. I wish I could turn back time so I wouldn't do the things that I regret'


Jimin stares at the notes. Jungkook is showing every feelings that he had. Every single regrets that he made. Jimin could sense the sincerity in his notes. It was simple, but full with meanings. For the first time, he decided to let the bouquet of the purple hyacinths stay at the corner of his desk.

He didn't forgive Jungkook yet. It's still too hurtful to forgive.

"Jimin ah, we're going to have a drink tonight, wanna join us?"Seungcheol asks while grinning ear to ear.

"Uhh... probably no. not this time. I have commitment. Sorry" Jimin said politely while typing his works out.

"Ahh, come on, you've been here for weeks and we haven't had any welcoming party for you yet. Come on, it'll be fun"

Jimin stops typing for a second. Of course he wants to spend time with his colleagues, but Jungmin is waiting at home and he can't trouble Jin again. Besides, Jungmin's sitter aren't available at night so he just couldn't.

"Come on Jimin, please........" Yeein leans on Jimin's desk, pleading him to join them.

Jimin sighs before nodding. "Okay, but I will leave early, very early. I really have things to do. Is that okay?"

His two colleagues shout a small yes upon hearing Jimin's answer which makes Jimin smiles towards them. Once they walks away from Jimin's desks, he quickly texts Jungmin's babysitter if she can look after Jungmin for a little while longer. Jimin smiles when she text him back with 'Of course'.

One thing Jimin fails to think is that Jungkook will definitely be there too. And now seeing Jungkook right in front of him, happily grilling some meats makes him want to just leave the scene right away.

"Jimin ah! Congratulations on your---- uhhh your---- I don't know. Just congratulation for working" Joshua exclaims.

Jimin chuckles a bit, seeing his friends acting silly even when their boss is right in front of them.

"Jimin ah, try this grilled prawn, it's the best!" Seungcheol said, trying to place the prawns in Jimin's plate.

"Jimin can't eat seafood" even before Jimin could stop seungcheol from placing the prawns onto his plate, someone else did that first. He glances over to Jungkook, whose holding seungcheol's wrist, preventing him from placing the prawn on Jimin's plate.

"How do you know about that?" Yeein asks. Clearly she didn't mena to ask that out loud.

"Uhhh I have to go now. Sorry" Jimin said, excuses himself. It's getting late and Jimin didn't want Jungmin to stay by himself. And he surely didn't want to trouble Jin hyung for tonight.

He rushes outside, glancing on his watch. He didn't even realize that he had bumped onto someone else.

"Watch where you going!" the man said, trying to wipe a stain of beer on his shirt.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to---"Jimin said, handing the man a few tissues from his pockets.

"Well, aren't you pretty? Wanna go out and have fun with oppa, cutie?" the man grabs Jimin's wrist and leans closer towards him. Clearly that this guy has been drinking and wasted.

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