Chapter 6: We're Done

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Jimin didn't even know what to say anymore. Seeing his husband pounding onto a woman who he didn't know right in front of his eyes making him lost himself. He didn't know what to do. He expected Jungkook would say something. Something like apologize or explanations. But what he sees, Jungkook, smirking at him before kissing the girl once more before getting off the bed.

Jimin's breath hitched at the sight. Of all things, he didn't expect this at all.

"W—why?? Why Jungkook!??" Jimin choked on his own spits.

"Surprise baby. I hope you like it." Jungkook puts on his pant and gestures Sana to leave. The girl didn't say anything. She grabs her clothes and hurries out leaving sobbing Jimin with his calm husband.

"Why did you do this to me?? Am I not good enough? Why? Just tell me why!?" Jimin shouts while throwing everything that he can reach towards Jungkook. He feels so angry right now. He wanted to punch, kick and even strangle him so bad but his feet is so weak. He didn't have the strength to even move an inch.

"You ask me why!!?? That is my question Jeon Jimin!!! Am I not fucking enough for you until you went out and sleep around with other man like a slut!!?? YOU OF ALL PEOPLE BETRAYED ME!! BETRAYED MY LOVE!!" Jungkook shouts back at him. He grabs Jimin's wrist harshly and throws him onto the bed. Jimin hiss in disgust thinking that his husband had sex with someone else on this bed.

"What the hell are you talking about!? I'm not like you who sleeps around with a fucking whore when I know I'm married!!"

Jungkook laughs hearing Jimin's words like it was the funniest thing that he heard in his whole life. He walks towards the cupboard and takes out an envelope fills with photos. He scoffs, before throwing those photos at Jimin. Jimin's eyes widen when he picks up the photos at his feet. All the photos are of him and Taemin, naked on bed. Jimin looks at Jungkook with tears in his eyes.

"J-Jungkook ah... this is not me... I didn---- I didn't do this Jungkook ah. Please believe me. I swear I didn---"

Jimin didn't even get to finish his sentence as he felt stings on his right cheeks. Jungkook just slapped him.

"You dare to lie on me???? This is exactly you and that asshole!! You let him fuck you when two months ago right!!?? You fucking cheat on me Jimin!!"

"NO!!! I swear I didn't!! I don't know how this picture..... I don't know!! But I swear to you I didn't do it! For god sake Jungkook!"

Jimin tried to hold Jungkook's hand but Jungkook harshly pulls his hands away from him. Both of them are crying mess right now. Jungkook grabs his hair tightly. Half of his heart wanted what Jimin said to be ture. He wishes that Jimin speaks the truth right now. It hurts, it hurts too much thinking that Jimin has betrayed him. But with all the evidence in front of him making him angrier that Jimin dares to lie on him after what he did.

"Just sign this and fucking leave Jimin." Jungkook throws the divorce paper right on Jimin's face. He sits down on the other side of the bed, palming his face.

Jimin knows that Jungkook is crying. He didn't do it. He never cheat on Jungkook. Taemin is like a brother to him and Jungkook knows that.


"Just fucking sign the paper!"Jungkook shouts.

"I really didn't do it. I love you. I wouldn't do this to you. Someone set me up. Believe Jungkook! Trust me!!"

Jungkook said nothing. He balls up his fist and punch the mirror right in front of him. His fist now is covered in blood but he couldn't care about it. He's just too angry. He can't think straight anymore.

"Fine. I'll sign this. But I swear, I didn't do this shit!"

Jimin grabs the paper tightly. Honestly, he didn't want to sign this. No! He never wanted this to happen. He looks over to Jungkook who's standing with his back facing him.

"Is this what you really want?" Jimin's voice cracked.

Jungkook stay silent for a few minutes. He didn't want this but it hurt too much. He can't even look at Jimin. "Yes. I want nothing but this"

Jimin grabs the pen on their nightstand and signed the paper. His heart crushed when he sees their signature on that piece of paper. He place the paper on the bed and walks toward Jungkook. He didn't even know what to say or what to do. He just need to be with Jungkook, just a few moments more.

"Take your things and leave. Never show your face in front of me ever again." With that being said, Jungkook walks towards the door, ignoring crying Jimin behind him. He loves Jimin so-so much. But he couldn't accept this. His heart ache so much hearing Jimin's crying but his he's in pain too.

Jimin takes his bag and stuff some of his clothes inside. He looks over the room, he didn't know what to pack, what to take. He's not ready to leave. But Jungkook didn't want him there. Not anymore. He has to go. Jimin sits on the bed silently, still refusing to believe that they've divorced, still didn't want to believe that he's going to walk away, still refuse to believe that Jungkook has threw him out of his life.

Jimin cries all his heart out. This is not what he want. After a few minutes, he decided to take his bag with some of his clothes and the picture of Jimin and Jungkook. Their wedding picture on the nightstand. With that, he steps out of the room and lets his eyes roams around the house full of sweet memories of them both for the last time before he walks out.

This is the end of their relationship. He didn't even get to tell Jungkook about the baby. And Jimin decides that Jungkook will never know about it.


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