Chapter 10: The Truth

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"Jungkook please. You're hurting yourself!" Taehyung had had enough. Jungkook really is too much. He didn't eat well, he didn't even take care of himself. Ever since he and Jimin divorced, Jungkook busied himself with works. There's time where Jungkook almost faint because he's been skipping meals. Taehyung didn't know what's worst anymore, letting Jimin go and watch Jungkook die slowly or keeping Jimin around and still, watching Jungkook suffers every day.

"Shut up Tae. I'm fine." Jungkook keeps his balance by holding on the couch. His sights is blurry from dizziness. He hasn't sleep in two days and he's been skipping his meals since yesterday for two reasons. One, he's too busy to care and two he didn't have the appetite. Everything that goes through his throats didn't taste delicious at all. Only Jimin's cooki----- no! He just didn't feel like eating.


"I have a meeting" Jungkook takes his coat and leave his office without hearing Taehyung nagging about how he should take care of himself. Of course Jungkook gave no shits about that. He just didn't feel like living anymore. He doesn't care what happen to himself.

"......................... He deserve that"

Jungkook stops walking when he heard Eunha's voice in one of the room on his way to the meeting room.

'What is she doing here?' Jungkook decided to greet his sister first because the last time he sees her around is about 7-8 months ago, right after his divorce Jimin. Just as he about to push the door apart, which already open slightly, he heard something that he shouldn't.


"If only Jungkook knows what you did to Jimin. He would've disowned you Eunha." Yoona, Jungkook's ex-girlfriend said.

Eunha laughs while putting off her cigarette. "Oppa will never know. Now this is your chance to seduce him. I'm so sick of that bitch, wiggling his tails around Jungkook oppa! I despise him when they get married and I can't believe that jonghyun ditched me because he fell I love with that stupid bitch. And now when oppa divorce him I feel satisfied!"

"So this is all your revenge towards Jimin right? I don't care. As long as I get to have Jungkook. Everything is fine"

"It was so easy to drug them and take few pictures just to make my oppa believe that he's a slut." Eunha laughs along with yoona while remembering her evil plans with Yoona to trap both Jimin and Taemin.

It was all her plan. She drugs both of them and paid someone to bring them to the nearest hotel. She's the one who take the picture and she's also the one who send those pictures to Jungkook. To be honest, she hates Jimin. She hates him because his ex-boyfriend, jonghyun falls in love with Jimin when they're still in college but that time, Jimin is dating Jungkook. Eunha was so heartbroken, she truly loves jonghyun. Eunha only gets to know about this on Jimin and Jungkook's wedding day when she sees his ex, shedding tears at the wedding. That's when she know why he left her and that time, she knows that she hates him so fucking much. She would do anything to make Jimin suffers and she knows that her brother would never be happy with Jimin anyway.

Jungkook heard everything. Every single thing. He couldn't stop his tears from falling. How could she. She's his family. The only one that he has left! Jungkook balls up his fist, he slams the door open making both of them startled.

Eunha's face is as pale as a white sheet. Jungkook heard it all. There's nothing she could say to save her now. She could feel the wrath in her brother's eyes and she's scared.

"What the fuck have you done?" Jungkook's voice is low but fill with danger.

"It's--- it's not what you think." Eunha tried to calm herself down.

"WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU DONE JEON EUNHA!? YOU BROKE MY MARRIAGE WITH THE MAN THAT I LOVE THE MOST! YOU LIED TO ME! YOUR OWN FLESH AND BLOOD! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" Jungkook kicks the table in front of him hard. He shouts his heart out. Eunha was frozen. She couldn't say a thing. Yoona on the other side didn't move an inch. She's too scared. Jungkook could've kill her if she move.

"Are you happy now!? Are you fucking happy now seeing me like this!?? I was so broken the moment I thought Jimin was cheating on me! I could've died Eunha! I'm your brother! Why did you do this to me! To us! We were happy!!" Jungkook shouts. He lets his tears fall free from his eyes. He doesn't care anymore.

"Op-oppa... even if I didn't do that. He's still a slut! He's been fucking around with hob---"Eunha braves herself and tried to defend her actions.

Jungkook throws the chair right next to her making her scream in fears. Yoona falls down on her knees watching the scene. Jungkook was not in his right mind.

"Jimin would never do that! It was your doing all along!! Jimin would never betrayed me!!" he walks towards Eunha and grabs her wrists making her facing him. Jungkook grips her wrists too tight. He could kill her right there, right now if he wanted to.

"Jungkook! Stop!" Taehyung barge in and drags Jungkook away.

"Let me go Tae! She hurts Jimin! She hurts my Jimin!" Jungkook struggles to keep himself free while Taehyung struggles to keep Jungkook in his arm.

"Stop! She's your sister! You could've kill her!"

Jungkook shouts as loud as he can. He doesn't care if the whole company look at him like this. He punch the mirror right next to him making his fist covered with blood.

"Jeon Eunha. From now on. You're no longer my sister. You're no longer a part of my family. Don't you ever come to me ever again." Jungkook walks away without even caring how much Eunha wails his name. He's broken. He made a mistake because of her. She's his sister, how could she do this to him?


"What happened?" Taehyung asks while treating Jungkook's wound.

"Tae.... Jimin didn't cheat on me."

Taehyung looks at Jungkook in shock. He couldn't believe his ears.

"Eunha... she did this... she plans this. And now--- and now I--- Tae what should I do? I divorce him Tae... it wasn't his fault, it was mine. I did this to him. Oh my god—I hurt him Tae! I--- fuck I hurt him so bad—"Jungkook is a crying mess right now. He couldn't think straight. It was his fault. He didn't believe in Jimin. He left him. He hurt him. Jimin didn't deserve this.

"Oh god. Jungkook breathe. Please." Taehyung is at loss of words. He felt real guilty towards Jimin. He said bad words to him and it wasn't even Jimin's fault.

"Tae—oh god. I fuck someone in front of him. I'm the one who's cheating! Fuck—he's oh god he's so broken. I should've trusted him! He wouldn't do that to me, why am I so stupid! Goddamn it!! He begs me to trust him and I didn't! What kind of husband am I Tae!?" Jungkook pulls his hair harshly.

"Jungkook stop. We can fix this!" Taehyung said. He needs to calm Jungkook's down even though he knows that it was not that easy.

"No... we can't. I fucked up real bad. Jimin hates me" tears streaming down Jungkook's face.

"Yes we can. Let's find him first."

Jungkook nods. He needs to find Jimin. His Jimin. He needs to apologize. He needs Jimin to forgive him. He needs Jimin in his life and he will get Jimin back. No matter what it takes or how long it takes, Jimin will be his again. He would make sure of it.

Jungkook fucked up once, but he will redeem himself for that. He will fight for them. Jimin was his and will forever be his.


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