Chapter 14: I -- Tried?

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Jungkook sits on his chair, curtain slightly raised up so that he could see, look at his beloved ex-husband right in front of him. Lucky that his windows are tinted otherwise Jimin would've been running away once again. He wants to go to Jimin and hugs him tightly, saying that he's sorry and he misses the other so so so badly. But he knows he couldn't. Just seeing his face making Jimin bolts away, he couldn't risk losing Jimin once again.

Jungkook needs a plan. He needs a fucking plan.

For how long does he wants to keep on crying and moping for his stupidly, terrible mistake? Yes, he knows he's a douchebag, an asshole for treating his love like that. But, if he didn't learn to forgive himself, and restart a new chapter, then when will Jimin learn to forgive him? If he didn't man up now, will Jimin be able to accept him now?

Jungkook will 100% agreed if someone calls him a loser, cheater, asshole, jerk or even worse. But he would never accept it if someone would tell him that the love he has for Jimin is lies, fake that he didn't even loves him at all because that's not true. He loves Jimin before, now, in the future, forever and even death wouldn't be able to tear his love for Jimin. He needs to change himself for the better and make Jimin to fall in love with him again.

*knock knock*

"Come in" Jungkook snapped out of his thoughts. He didn't even realize that he's been spacing out.

Once he turns his head towards the door, his breath hitched. It feels like a dream seeing Jimin, walking towards him. Of all things that he could imagine happened today, this sight was probably didn't even exist in his mind.

"Uhhh... yeah?" Jungkook didn't know what to say, he's grinning ears to ears seeing his Jimin is in front of him.


Jungkook's smile falls when he sees how Jimin placed the cup on his table and walk away after bowing his head towards him. Not a single smile, not a warmth glance, nothing. All he can see was coldness. He bets even the coffee is not as hot as it should be now since the one who holds the cup is as cold as ice.


Jimin groans to himself right after he walks out of Jungkook's office. Somehow, he really, really regrets signing the contract. If he'd know that Jungkook would be his boss, he wouldn't even step his feet inside this company. Well, it's too late for that now.

He sits back on his chair and starts to flip through his job's scope. He was absolutely confused when Mr. Kim asked him why his hadn't send the coffee to Mr. Jeon. Well, simply because he didn't know that that is also a part of his job. And now, he's going through every single page on his job's scope.

"okay, brings him coffee twice a day, need to attend meetings with clients (not all), manage all the important files in Mr. Jeon's office and will be directly instructed by Mr. Jeon himself??? What the actual---- ughhh!" Jimin slams his forehead on his desks. These new additional tasks simply keeping him closer to Jungkook in every way. There's no way in hell he could avoid Jungkook now when he literally will be in his office more than he would be in his own desk.

Honestly, he didn't know why he needs to do all this ridiculous, unreasonable tasks when Jungkook literally has his secretary to do all this. It was too obvious that Jungkook is trying to keep him close.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Jimin lifts his head up and saw a very attractive man looking down at him, holding a mug of hot chocolate. "Uh... yeah. Just first day here... so..." Jimin chuckles lightly.

"I'm Choi SeungCheol, nice to meet you." the man smiles.

"Park Jimin, please take a good care of me" Jimin smiles back while shaking hands with the said man. They talk a little bit, getting to know one another. And Seungcheol offered himself to help if Jimin ever needs anything. Well, at least, Jimin got a new friend. A handsome one too. Yeah maybe working here wasn't that bad at all. Jimin smiles while continuing working on his work.

Little that Jimin knows, there's a man behind the door, trying his best to be compost watching Jimin's interaction with Seungcheol. He has to admit that Seungcheol is a good worker, the best that he had. But he's getting jealous seeing how he can easily talks to Jimin and earns his smiles too. Hey, Jimin was Jungkook's and nobody deserves that smiles except for him!


"Tae~ what should I do? Jimin wouldn't even want to look at me straight at my face! How am I supposed to talk to him?" Jungkook wails over the phone.

[Jungkook ah, you have to think of something. Gosh I wish I could be there right now. Ughhh when will this filming will be over!] Taehyung groans, he wants to quickly meets Jimin and asks for forgiveness, but seeing that his jobs is holding him down, he can't say no. he's currently at Thailand, shooting for a stupid beverage commercial which he didn't even think of drinking it himself.

"You've gotta be kidding me! How much longer will you be there? I literally need a moral support. And I need the brain too"

[Whoa whoa whoa, moral support, yes! I could give it to you. Brain? Nope, clearly you're going to do all the thinking, not me] Taehyung said, disagreed with Jungkook's point.

"Ughhh whatever. Just get back first and we'll think of something" Jungkook hangs up the call. Honestly, he has no plans at all and he didn't even know how to approach Jimin which is ridiculous when Jimin is just three feet away from him anyway.

He sighs and decided to man up and try to talk to Jimin.......

"Mr. Park, my office. Right now" he turns off the intercom and waits on his seat nervously.

Seeing Jimin walking inside his office with a tiny pen and notepad in his tiny hands makes Jungkook melts. Everything, everything about Jimin makes Jungkook melts actually. He clears his throats before gesturing Jimin to take a seat in front of him. He studies every part of Jimin's face, missing every bits of his skins.

"I'm sorry" Jungkook said, eyes falls deep, still staring at Jimin. For a second, their eyes met and Jimin quickly turn his gazes away.

"Jimin, I'm sorry for being an asshole, I know sorry wasn't enough. But I—I don't know what else to say. I know I should've trust you back then, but I dind't. I was blinded by the 'proof' that was thrown onto my face. I'm really sorry for what I did to you" Jungkook's eyes is pooling with tears right now. He didn't want to cry, at least not now.

Jimin was fidgeting with his fingers, still refuse to look at Jungkook's face.

"Jiminie, I'm really... fuck... I'm so so sorry, baby, I shouldn't have done that to you... I—I—it was my fault, I know it. Baby, please say something, be mad at me, curse me, kick me, punch me! Do everything you want but please forgive me" Jungkook couldn't even hold his tears anymore, instead he lets them falls free from his eyes.

"......... if you don't have anything related to work to say, then I'll be taking my leave now, sir" Jimin takes his belongings and walks out of Jungkook's office, didn't even care about the sobbing that he heard from the other man. He, himself is trying hardtop restrain himself from shedding any tears.

Jungkook just watch Jimin walks away to his seat and continues his works like nothing happens. Jungkook didn't know for how many time his heart had broken but so far, this is the worse feelings that he faced since he lost Jimin, four years ago. Jungkook just silently sit on his chair and cries his heart out.


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