Chapter 19: Honest Thoughts

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Jimin bites his lips. He didn't know how to explain this to Jungkook. One part of him is scared. Scared that Jungkook would take Jungmin away from him once he knows the truth. But the thing is, Jungkook already saw Jungmin and there's really nothing he could hide. Jungmin's face is already screaming Jungkook's name, what else can he say about it?

"So, is Jungmin my son?" Jungkook asks. He can't believe that he's sitting inside Jimin's house, facing him with a cup of coffee on the table while his son, hopefully his, is playing on the carpet.

Jimin just nods his head. He couldn't bring himself from saying anything. He's too afraid of what may come.

"Why didn't you tell me about him?" Jungkook frowns, arms crossed on his chest.

"................. Would you believe me if I did?" Jimin said, making Jungkook froze a second.

"I tried to tell you.... when I first know that I'm pregnant with your child, I wanted to tell you about it. I'm excited to let you know. But you came home drunk that night. And the next day, I found you on the bed with a bitch whom I didn't know. And to complete my misery, you gave me the most wonderful present, the divorce paper. Why do you think I didn't tell you about him now?" Jimin said, tears brimming at the corners of his eyes.

Jungkook was speechless. He couldn't say a word, he admits that if Jimin told him about his pregnancy, Jungkook would never believe in him. He might even accuse Jimin to sleep around with someone else until he get pregnant. Or worse, he might actually accuse that Jungmin is actually Taemin's kid.

"i----I'm sorry. I understand why you didn't. I'm really sorry about everything that I've done to you. It's just that, I'm too heartbroken you know. Knowing that the love of my life is cheating on me. The proof looks so real I just couldn't--- I know I should've trusted you. I made it clear in our vows that I will trust in you. But I didn't. And I know, sorry alone wouldn't makes things better. So please, please Jimin, let me repay for my mistakes. Hit me, scold me, do whatever you want to me. But please, forgive me." Jungkook pleads, his eyes are full with tears that threatening to fall down any time now.

"Jungkook.... saying that it's okay, I forgive you would be a total lie. My heart hurts and it's still aching everytime I see you around. I can't just forgive you Jungkook..... You promised that you're going to have faith in me, trust me. But you didn't. And you made all those vows as a trash once you decided to believe in someone else aside from your own husband." Jimin said, tearing up.

"But to prevent you from seeing your own son, I guess that's selfish of me. You deserve to know about him. I promise that I would let you see him, be with him. Whenever you want. But please, don't take him away from me. He's all I got." Jimin pleads, silently letting his tears down. And by this time, both he and Jungkook are a crying mess.

Jungkook tells him about everything, from the beginning until the end. He told Jimin that everything is Eunha's plan and he also tells him why she did that in the first place. Jimin couldn't say how much he's shocked hearing about this. Knowing this makes him feels sympathy towards Jungkook. His own flesh and blood betrays him like this. Jimin didn't even know what to feel anymore.

"I'm sorry to hear that....." Jimin didn't even know what to say to him.

"Jungkook? I know, it wasn't your fault. I understand. But I can't just forgive you for this. I would be lying if I said I do. Because the pain is too much, and scar you've carved on my heart is too deep. I need time to forgive you. Let's take this slowly for us, okay? And I guess, for starting, you are always welcomed here for Jungmin." Jimin wipes away his tears, hands some tissues to Jungkook before smiling again.

Jungkook nods his head at Jimin's words. He would love this. To have a new start with Jimin, is something that he wanted, more than everything in this world.

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