Chapter 13: I'm Fine

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Jimin's blood runs cold, his face was pale, and his legs trembles at the first sight with his 'boss'. He saw the other's expressions towards him. Confusion, shocked and hurt?

Jimin waited no seconds before bolting out of the room. He didn't even care about the voice calling his name over and over again behind him. He walks faster and faster, trying to avoid the man chasing him behind. Lucky for him, the elevator just opens right in front of his nose. He quickly enters and shuts the door. Didn't even realizes that his tears are running down freely now.

Once he's out of the building, he grabs a cab and straight to home.

"Jimin? Why are you---- wait? Are you crying? What happened?" Jin was shocked once he sees Jimin in front of his house at this hour when he should be working. Plus, the tears on his cheeks making Jin more confuse and shocked.

"Hyung.... There... I--- Jungkook! He... he works there... I saw him...." Jimin said in between his sobs.

Jin who is listening, was so shocked. What is that Jungkook doing there and why Yoongi didn't tell him about this?

"Jimin, are you—are you sure?"

"Yes! It was him! I saw him with my own eyes! He's the owner of the company! How could Yoongi hyung do this to me!? Did I trouble you guys too much that he decide to send me back to Jungkook??" Jimin was crushed, he knows he shouldn't said that but he's hurting so bad.

"Jimin.... Yoongi would never do that to you. He loves you. And if he knows Jungkook was there, he would have told me about it." Jin tried to console Jimin. Jimin thought about what Jin had said, points taken, Yoongi hyung would tell Jin hyung if he knows that Jungkook was there.

"What am I supposed to do now hyung? I've signed the contract already and there's no way I can pay them back. I don't have that amount of money." Jimin cries again making Jungmin awake from his nap.

"Appa?" his small voice making Jimin snaps his head up, looking at his sleepy son.

"Why is appa crying?" Jungmin said, lips tremble. He's sad seeing his appa crying.

"no baby, don't' cry. Appa just hurt himself a bit. I'm better now." Jimin wipes his tears and smiles towards his son. Jungmin crawls to his appa and kiss his cheeks.

"Jimin, let's wait for Yoongi hyung to come back first okay?" Jin suggests, while Jimin hugs his son.

Jimin just nods and divers his attention towards Jungmin.


"Jimin? Why aren't you at work?" Yoongi said as soon as he spots Jimin with Jungmin in the living room.

"Hyung, tell me the truth. Did you know that Jungkook is the owner of the company?"

"What!? He's the owner!?? Oh my god, Jimin I'm sorry, I didn't know. I offered you the job because of my friend, Namjoon." Yoongi throws him a very apologetic look which makes Jimin feels a lot relief. One thing that he knows, he wouldn't know how to forgive Yoongi if he purposedly letting him meet Jungkook like this.

"Yoongi, baby, what are we gonna do now? Jimin can't quit now. We can't afford that much money." Jin said worriedly.

Yoongi didn't know what to say. Honestly, the only solution that they have is to just keep the job. Jimin just have to try his best to avoid Jungkook. Well, he's only a clerk so, there would not be so much interactions between him and the 'boss' right?

"Jimin, I think you must keep the job. We have no other way." Yoongi said.

Jimin released a loud sighs and nods. He couldn't do much about it anyway. Tomorrow will be a turn point in his life which he wasn't sure whether he could survive this or not.


"Ahh, Park Jimin ssi right?" Namjoon said once he sees Jimin standing in front of his office. Jimin is feeling a lot guilty for just running out like that yesterday. It was his first day on the job and he kind of destroyed it.

"Ummm.. Sir, I'm sorry about yesterday... I—uhh—" Jimin wants to explain but he didn't know how to. Well, he can't just possibly say 'oh I run away because your boss seems to be my ex-husband'. Can he?

"Ahhh don't worry about it. I heard Mr. Jeon lets you go early. So no big deal anyway." Namjoon smiles. Jimin was a bit taken aback with Namjoon's statement. Does this mean that he's going be okay?

"Okay, so these are your job scopes and I'm pretty sure you knew by now. I don't really get it why mr. Jeon add your job scopes but since he's paying you double, I guess it won't be any problem right?" Namjoon glances at the documents in his hand before averting his gaze towards Jimin.

"Huh? Uhhh yes. No problem at all." To be honest, Jimin didn't really hear what Namjoon said just now. His thought was fill with how can he avoids from seeing Jungkook too much.

Once Namjoon sets him into his desks. He starts to do his work even though he haven't much things to do since it's his 'first day'. Jimin prays that somebody, anybody could give him works, he didn't care how much as long as he's busy enough to forget that Jeon Jungkook is right here with him. And he also prays that no one would give him works that related or making him have to face Jungkook. Sincerely, he's not ready for that.


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