Chapter 9: New Start - With You

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"Jimin ah. Are you sure about this?"

"Yupp... 100%" Jimin answers while busy sorting his stuff. He's made up him mind. He's going to start a new life with his baby. He wanted to show that he's capable enough to support himself and the baby. His baby! This is his baby, his alone. There would be no more Jungkook in his life. True, he's moping at least weeks before. But he cleared his mind. It wasn't his fault. Jungkook threw him out.

"You know, working while being pregnant is not easy you know?" Yoongi crosses his arm on his chest. Slightly disagree with Jimin's decision. Jimin told him this morning that he got a job at the nearest restaurant as a waiter. He didn't know how Jimin convince them to take a pregnant male working there but it surely works for Jimin.

"I know, but I'll manage hyung." Jimin looks at Yoongi with determination in his eyes. That point, Yoongi knows that he's lost. Nothing could ever change Jimin's decision when he sets his mind on it. The same thing happened when he decided to marry the Jeon Jungkook.

"*sigh* fine. But if you overwork yourself, I swear I will drag your ass back here and you will never ever talk about working with me ever again, understand?"

Jimin laughs at Yoongi's protectiveness. "Yeah yeah. I know. Thank you hyung" Jimin holds Yoongi's hand and smiles towards him sweetly.

Jin smiles at those best friends. He can see how much Yoongi loves Jimin and how much respect himin has towards Yoongi. They claim themselves as best friends but Jin sees more of that. They're more like brothers than BFF.


The first few months was okay for Jimin. Yeah he's having morning sickness every day, his emotions are definitely weirdly unstable, he gets tired easily but it's still okay. Jin and Yoongi always takes care of him and he's glad to have them with him. Sometimes he will miss Jungkook, espsecially those nights when he talks to his baby. But he's sure that Jungkook wouldn't even think about him.

And now, when he's finally getting the hang of his life, he feels better. It's been months since he's living with the yoonJin couple. He's working just fine, he didn't get morning sickness as much and he's better now, emotionally. It's just a few weeks away until the baby's birth and he's been excited about it. A little bit scared too but still excited to see his baby.

"Jiminie, how was work?" Jin place a glass of milk on the table and take a seat in front of Jimin.

Jimin grimaces at the sight of the white drink. He didn't like milk and he would never like them.

"Like usual. Tired but fun. Those guys are ridiculously funny you know" Jimin slowly pushes the glass away, didn't like the strong smell of milk invading his nostril. Jin saw it and halt the glass from moving. He glances at Jimin and signals him to bottom up the drink. Jimin slightly whines as he didn't want to drink it.

"It's good for the baby"

Jimin sighs as he pick up the milk and drinks it anyway. As soon as he finished the drink, he makes a disgusted face at Jin, saying how terrible the taste was.

Jin laughs at Jimin's cuteness and wonders how cute will his baby will be when he's born soon.


"Y-Yoongi hyung! Please~ faster! I can't take it anymore!" Jimin screams his lungs out. He's about to give birth and Yoongi still decided to drive 60km/h.

"For the love of god Yoongi! Jimin's about to give birth in your car! Faster!!" Jin screams while holding Jimin's hand. Well, more like Jimin gripping to Jin's hand tightly.

Yoongi finally decided to just step on the gas and fuck everything else. All that important right now is getting Jimin inside the labor room in time.

They pretty much didn't know what's going on right after they arrive at the hospital. All Yoongi can remember is Jimin's screams, people rushing and he's running after them. Everything is chaos and Yoongi couldn't even think straight at that time. After a few hours, finally, he finally can hear the cries of the newborn baby. Yoongi looks at his lover and sees him in tears. That moment, Yoongi decided that one day, they will have this moments for themselves too.

"Hey... how are you feeling?" Jin runs his fingers in Jimin's hair while Yoongi carrying Jimin's baby on his hands.

"Exhausted..... But good" Jimin smiles weakly. He glances at his baby and slowly reaches his hand out. Yoongi gets the gestures and gives the baby right into Jimin's hand. Jimin didn't know what to feel right now. Happy? Yes. He's happy seeing his baby right in front of him. God knows how beautiful he is, with his little fist. Sad? Yes. Jungkook should be here with him. They could be happy but they're not. Mad? Yes! None of this should happen. Slowly, tears starts to fall down on his cheeks. He bits his lips to stop himself from whimpering.

"Jimin ah... did you decide his name?" Jin wipes the tears away from Jimin's cheeks. He holds Jimin's hands softly.

"I did. Jungmin. Park Jungmin." Jimin smiles at his baby. Somehow, seeing him making Jimin forgets every sorrow in his heart.

"Okay now buddy, let's get you to sleep first okay? Let's give your appa some rest okay?" Yoongi coos at the baby who's yawning right now. The three of them are melting with the baby's action.

Jimin smiles looking at his best friend. His now two best friend with his beloved son. This is it. The new start of his life with his newborn baby. True, it will not be easy but they're going to be okay.


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