Empty Seat

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The smell of salt and sunscreen. The calming sound of the waves crashing gently onto the sandy shore, and the not so calming sound of kids screaming and splashing water. The feeling of the hot sun mixed with panic and fear. No one around, just some boy watching me as I cry for help. Thrashing my arms and legs violently. My frantic screams silenced by water rushing into my lungs. My body desiring to rest while my brain tries to convince me to keep fighting. But sometimes the body wins the mind. My vision blurring as I give up and start to sink. The young boy watched carefully and looking as if he was taking notes. Almost completely gone I let out one finally plead for help as I fall into darkness.

I sat up frantically and looked around. My palms were sweaty and my throat was dry. My heart was pulsating and it pounded in my ears. It was the only thing I could hear. My mom ran into the room. She looked as panicked as I was. After a few seconds of comprehension, she calmed down and came to my side at the bed. She placed her hand on my shoulder and took a deep breath. "I heard you scream. I was worried," Mom sighed with relief. I nodded. My heart finally started to pulsate at a normal rate. Mom glanced around my new small room. There were a few small boxes around the room. Most of them were empty since I'd unpacked a lot of my things already. I had clothes on the floor that I need to hang up. A white desk had all my small nicknacks on it. Like a small white shell. I didn't know where I got it from. I'd forgotten. The walls were bright blue and the floor was a sandy carpet. It reminded me of the ocean. A bad memory. That's where my dad is. My father was kind of a drinker and was always gone at work. My mom hated that so she gave him an ultimatum. Either he stops working so hard and drinking or she leaves. He didn't stop and Mom took me with her. We left him in the sand and now we're here in the small town Spirk. What an odd name for a town. Anyway, I really missed my dad. Sure he drank but he was a good person. He's the only reason I keep that empty shell with me. It's a reminder of him. "Did you have that dream again?" Mom interrupted my thoughts. I looked up at her and then nodded. I'd been having that dream of drowning for years now. It'd been worse since Mom forced me to move away. "Well, get some more sleep before your first day of school." She patted my shoulder. My mom goes to work at four in the morning so I always have to take the bus to school and I'm always alone in the mornings. She left the room and I sighed as I fell back down onto my pillow.

My phone started to make that annoying alarm noise. That one called radar. I hate the sound but it's the only thing that wakes me up. I groaned loudly and then turned off that stupid alarm. I sat up and turned on my lights. I stared at my clothes on the floor for a few minutes. It was my first day at the new school. I should've tried to impress right? I had to start on the right foot with a great outfit. I continued to stare and try to accumulate ideas of what to wear. After another few minutes, I just gave up. I grabbed a black top that looked like it belonged at a funeral, a pair of ripped jeans, and some black high tops. I quickly changed and walked to the bathroom. It's a small bathroom and the tiles on the floor are cracked. We hadn't unpacked a lot of the toiletries so the only thing in the room was one roll of toilet paper, a small brush, and my mom's makeup bag. I ran my hands through my hair a little bit trying to decide if I wanted to brush it. I decided against it and just put my hair up with a black hair tie. I did put on a little makeup and got my toothbrush from a nearby moving box. Once I had finished getting ready I played some Batman game on my ps4 until the bus got there. The bus arrived and I jumped into it. The bus was smelly and trash littered the floor. The whole bus was just a bunch of clichés. I hoped it didn't turn out to be like a Mean Girls movie. I quickly glanced around looking for a seat. None were completely empty. Great. I decided to sit with a guy sitting by himself. He had been staring at me since I'd gotten on but I sat with him anyway. It was either him or some girl who looked like she a little occupied with her nose at the moment. I gave him a courtesy smile and then pulled out my phone. I started scrolling through my photos of my old friends and my dad. I saw the guy looking at them too over my shoulder. I sighed. "Do you mind?" I crossed my arms and turned to him. His face became red and he looked down at his feet. "Sorry, I was just curious. I'm Walker by the way." He held out his hand. His hand was shaky and it looked like he had a burn on his palm. I accepted his handshake anyway. "(Name)." I quietly responded. He smiled awkwardly and then put his hand back in his black hoodie pocket. "Sooo... You must be new. The schools pretty big. I can show you around if you'd like." Walker kept his head down while talking to me. He looked frightened as if someone was watching him. "How'd you know I was new? Is it obvious?" I unconsciously scooted closer to him. He jumped a little bit realizing how close I was suddenly. He then nodded and tried to smile but failed. I shrugged and thought for a second. "Okay, I'll let you show me around but in return, you'll have to be my new friend." I smirked. His face instantly lit up. He suddenly wrapped his arms around me. I froze up and stared at him. I was a little bit scared. I mean come one you just don't randomly hug a girl after talking to her for like five seconds. It's creepy. He awkwardly pulled away and then turned to the window. "Sorry," he mumbled. "I-It's fine." I scratched my neck. After that we talked for a while. It was weird because I always had to initiate the conversation. He always was seemed scared to talk to me. but once we started really talking, he was a cool guy and kind of cute if I'm being honest. I'm not really the type for crushes and all that mush though.

We eventually arrived at the high school. The bus dropped us off at the back. I stood up to leave but Walker grabbed my hand. "Let's wait until everyone else leaves," I sat back down. As we waited, Walker started to fidget. A lot more then usual. I started to wonder where that circular burn on his palm came from. I believed it would be rude to ask so I just keep my theories to myself. After a few more minutes of waiting, we were finally the last people on the bus (besides the bus driver of course). I walked off the bus and started to follow everyone else into the school from the back doors. Walker grabbed my hand again and started to pull me away. "I've got to meet a friend at the front," he said. When we reached the front I saw how well designed the school is. Spirk high school. It's pretty big for a small town. The outside is a mix of black and brown bricks with a lot of big windows and a flat white roof. Two big flag poles stand on the middle and the flags wave around in the air. There are a lot of trees and a water fountain in the middle of the trees. I realized there was a boy sitting on the edge of the fountain. The guy had messy brown hair and freckles speckled his cheeks. He kicked his feet in the air and examined his nails. Walker pointed to him. "That's my friend. Thomas," he continued to pull me towards him. Thomas looked up from his hand to see us. His face brightened and he had a giant grin on his face. As we got closer I noticed he had a lot of smile lines. Thomas looked like such a happy guy. I thought I would like him. We stopped in front of him. For a second Thomas face became grim. Coincidently, Walker dropped my hand as soon as Thomas turned mad. Thomas then smiled again and stood up from the fountain. He suddenly bowed. He took my hand and planted a light kiss on the back of my hand. I smiled to be polite even though I kind of hated it. This is not a Hallmark movie where I fall in love with Thomas just because he gave me a romantic introduction. "I'm Thomas. You must be (Name)!" He stood up normally but kept a hold of my hand. I pulled my hand away and nod. "Do we know each other?" I put my hands behind my back so no one else can touch them. Thomas looked confused for a second and then smirked. "Why do you ask?" He replied. I shrugged. "You knew my name already," I raised an eyebrow. I see Walker tense up in the corner of my eye. Thomas glanced at him. He waved his hand in the air as if to swat away my suspicions. "It just suits you!" He looked me up and down. I narrowed my eyes, still suspicious. Thomas laughed. "Okay, I saw you on Instagram. You were one of my recommend followers and when I looked through one of your photos I noticed you were coming to this school." He explained. I nodded and giggled a little bit too. Walker stayed silent. I looked straight at him and smiled. He randomly started to panic and stared at Thomas like he was asking for help. Thomas put his hand on my shoulder. "Want me to show you around?" His hand moved down to my elbow. "Well, Walker was supposed to-" "Oh, don't worry! I won't let him out of my sight!" Thomas interrupted me. I shrugged and we all started walking to the school. Thomas had such a charming personality and grin that I let him take my hand this time. He also held Walker's hand. I wonder how they know each other. They seem pretty close. Like really close. I'm just glad I already had two friends. I just wished I had known all the pain the torture the two would bring me.

Eeeeh hoped you like the rewrite!

Here I drew a picture (that is secretly propaganda) but it's pretty late so like goooooodbye for now!Also if anyone has any ideas for the story just comment something because this is a rewrite so I could change some stuff up if you want

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Here I drew a picture (that is secretly propaganda) but it's pretty late so like goooooodbye for now!
Also if anyone has any ideas for the story just comment something because this is a rewrite so I could change some stuff up if you want. I already basically changed the mc's entire personality so just give me any kind of suggestions. And how ya like the new cover?

My name is poet
I am a Phillip

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