Holy War

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People were being forced to go into the inside of black towers. Men, women,children and even animals were being eaten, raped, torn apart, beaten into bloody pulps, roared at as many black monsters were coming in and out as darkness was poured into the sky .
In a black tower close to a rural village, five fully armed men( and two robed women) in white plate armor were being led to the top of the tower to be killed by a broken, rusty, bloody, hammer so that their souls can summon NiggeRRyus : the Black Monster Kang . One of the robed women stabbed one of the black knights that were leading them in the back, making the creature roar in pain. Another one of the five black knights grabbed the woman by the neck, and then tore her in half with no effort, causing one of the white knights to yell out "Sarah! Noooo!" , only to be killed by a sword to his gut from behind. "Fucking monster..." Amother white knight growled as the black knight who killed Sarah picked her body up and draped it over him as a cape.
The eleven found themselves at the top of the tower where a behemoth of a monster that stood on two legs waited as it held a blackened hammer and had no head. "The age of darkness is done! This is the age of the human!" The tallest and strongest of the knights roared . " Not this bullshit again..." A black knight sighed, taking out his blackened,bloody sword. The tall knight killed all five of the black knights with a single slash of his great zheilhander only to be downed by a single swipe of the great hammer." Foolish weakling, you can kill a billion of us but darkness' rule will never end! Now die!" The behemoth roared as it held its hammer up. Another white knight slain the executioner and picked up the huger knight as the others looked victorious." You fools, our blood has summoned him..." The executioner growled as it breathed its last breath. " Who are you talking about?" A knight asked as the sky turned dark. " Look up! It's a dr-...dra...dragon!" A knight fearfully screamed. All of the knights looked up to see a fat vein covered black scaleless shenlong covered in round pink phallic shaped spikes, glowing white eyes and a massive fat ass being ridden by a tall ( about 240 meters) muscular blue scaled lizard man with red eyes, long pink dreaded hair, blue bat wings, spiked fins on his back and webbed feet. " Fuck! It's NiggeRRyus! We're doomed!" The tallest knight roared as he stood up." Look at his back it's AquelRyus! Fuck!" Another knight roared as AquelRyus ( the blue dragon ) grew a smirk as a red dragon with black stripes appeared out of thin air ." Fools, you all have ushered a new age; the age of human extinction has begun!" AquelRyus roared as NiggeRRyus let out a deep screeching roar. " Not if I can help it!" The tallest knight yelled as he leapt at the three, only to be caught by the red dragon's talons. The red reptile slammed the man on the blackened floor of the tower's top, causing him to spit out blood. "Kill the beast!" The other robed woman ordered as AquelRyus smiled. The other knights slashed at the beast's side only to be killed by a single tail swipe, but when the dragon turned to the tall knight, he swiftly beheaded it and leaped on its back and roared. "Flames Master! Nooo!" AquelRyus cried out as the knight took his helmet off to show his grizzled face. "Face me you little blue bastard!" The knight roared holding his huge sword that he swiftly reenforced with Flames Master's scales. AquelRyus tore the knight's spinal cord out of his body and looked at the robed woman and roared" Kneel you filthy wretch!" to get" You have made a huge mistake by killing Arthur you filthy lizard bastard." only to get punched in the gut. " I did not come to this filthy planet to listen to hairless monkey bullshit, kneel or die." AquelRyus scoffingly exclaimed. "Never! I'd rather die than kneel to a monster!" The woman yelled, full of rebellion." Poor choices for last words." AquelRyus told as he then devoured the woman. AquelRyus sat down and grew a sinister smile.
"What was the mistake that I made again?"

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