Chapter 3.

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Chapter 3, Michelle's POV:

The graduation ceremony went great and Josh came too. After the ceremony, we took pictures but they all got like a secret VIP seating area because they're famous. My mom didn't go because she was drunk off her ass and dad wasn't able to but he called me to wish me luck and say how proud he was of me. 

It's now 5:47 in the afternoon and we're finishing up a celebration dinner at a fancy Chinese restaurant. 

"In honor of my baby sister graduating, we will chip in on the bill." Says Austin holding his champagne slightly above us.

"Congrats Michelle, I'm proud of you." Tyler puts an arm around me and hugs me tightly.

"Thanks you guys." I say taking a drink of my soda. Looks like I'm the designated driver since Austin, Josh, and Tyler has had at least four wines.

"Michelle, can we take a walk while they bill them?" Josh whispers into my ear.

I nod quickly but I'm still upset about earlier.

"We'll be waiting for you guys near the car, just call us when you're there, she has the keys." Josh informs them.

As we walk out of the restaurant, a force of cold wind hits me as the sun is getting ready to set. I shiver quickly and Josh offers me his suit jacket and I take it willingly.

"I'm sorry about what happened in the morning." I say.

"It's fine. Someone needed to bring me back to reality, anyway."

"You did but not that harsh, Josh. You've done a lot for me growing up and I was just being the selfish 14-year-old."

"I know, Elly." He shoves his hands in his pockets. "Remember the first audition I  went to when we were 9 and you were in the parking lot on the camper of your uncle's truck with a red sign written with glitter yellow that said 'Go Squirt!' because you were the only one I let call me that ever since we were 5." He smiles to himself then back at me.

"That's what kept me auditioning, your support." He says as he looks ahead of him.

I smile to myself when I really want to jump up and hug him. "Who would've thought my best friend would have girls gawking at him? You're just Joshua Squirt Hutcherson to me." 

"That's the best thing someone has said to me, Michelle. I've drifted from my own true self when I left. You were always a part of me, and you still are."

"It's not a silly little moment anymore. We're semi adults now. I'm going off to college in San Francisco and you're a movie star. We're best friends still. I could never think of anyone who can take your place." I stop where I'm at which is really far from the little outlets the restaurant was surrounded by. Josh stops in his footsteps as well and stares down at me since i'm shorter.

I don't lean in for a kiss because in all honesty, I don't have the courage to. I go in for a hug because I know it's what he's needed. We stay in a tight embrace for a long time until my phone starts playing Your Body Is a Wonderland to notify me someone is calling and it was Austin using someone else's phone because I have a personalized ringtone for him.

"Hello?" I answer annoyed.

"Michelle," He's drunk off his ass. "We need to get ready for our party tonight. Take us home ok bye oh wait, I lost my phone. Ok bye sissy." He slurred his words and quickly ends the call. 

"What was that all about?" Josh asks.

"It was Austin, I forgot about their party tonight." I say walking back.

"No, the hug." He says quietly walking back with me.

"You needed it, Squirt." I say playfully.

"Why won't you just kiss me like you know you want to?" He asks bluntly.

I'm utterly shocked he asked me that. "Um, maybe because I'm not courageous as I want to be." I'm ready to explode now, everything is gonna come out and I know it, yet I can't stop myself. "I'm not those thin pretty girls nor do I have curves in the places I'd want. You can't want to kiss a girl like me, Josh, you already know that so why the hell should I tell you? I'm not the one you wanna win. You said it the day before you left, 'I can't wait to see the beautiful California girls in the movies!' so ecstatic that the little girl from Kentucky tried to be as perfect as them. I'm not them and I realized that the hard way. My own dad didn't want me, why the fuck would anyone else want me if my own damn father doesn't? Tell me, Josh, please tell me because I simply don't know what to do or say anymore. I really don't. I can't reach anyone's expectations of perfect and I'm tired, so tired." 

I'm surprised I haven't started crying yet the moment he pulls me in his tight arms, I finally let go. The tears are streaming and now I know what I had kept from myself this time: being human. 

"Why haven't you told anyone this, Michelle?" He sounds like he's trying to stop from crying.

"No one cares enough to stay anymore."

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