Chapter 1.

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I guess being the celebrity star's little sister isn't so hard, but it is still troubling. I've had my fair share of love and heartbreak, but hey, who doesn't go through that? I'm foreshadowed by my two big brothers careers. They are big time movie actors with a billion awards I never bother to count. They got the 'good sperm' as they like to joke, as I got the leftover sperm with the lack of talent and looks. 

My wavy hair sits in a low ponytail and my hands are busy by stuffing my face with strawberries in our living room. Once again, my brothers are on TV. Austin & Tyler Thompson, new roles together?!? That shit is on TV all the damn time and I'm sick of it. While they're filming movies and having everyone gawk at them, I still find them the annoying, ugly boys I grew up with. I guess that keeps them grounded too because I don't treat them any different at home.

My parents on the other side, completely praise those two. My mom has beautiful features. Curvy, tall, natural long hair, and plump lips. Her eyes are as green as they get. My father too. He's really tall, slick brown hair, slim figure, and gray eyes. Austin looks exactly like my dad looked in his teen years, while Tyler has my grandfather's features, tall, black hair, cold gray eyes, and heart warming smile. I've always been close with my family but so far it hasn't been the same.

My dad moved out to Spain to be with our dying grandmother and my mom has to stay here to take care of the house and bills. My dad is missing my graduation ceremony on Saturday, too. I understand though, but that's the problem, I'm so understanding that I get fed up with my decisions and letting everyone throw their bullshit in my face.

"Catherine, kitty cat, cathy!" Tyler yells. "Don't forget, we're having our birthday party this Saturday. It starts at 6 PM so we're going to celebrate your graduation by some lunch." 

"At least you remembered. Who's going?" I ask.

"A couple of friends."

"Celebrities." I spat at him.

"Come on, Cat. Not all of us are that bad. Besides, you're gonna be famous one day with your writing skills."

"Shut up." I smile.

"Josh Hutcherson is going." He said quietly.

"Great. Just great. Maybe he won't be drunk enough to vomit all over me this time."

"That was last year, get over it." He shrugged.

"Fine," I said. "But I can leave anytime I want, promise?" I held out my tiny pinky.

"Whatever, Cathy. You're so complicated." His big pinky wrapped around mines and that's that.

"So I've been told." I walk out the room.

Josh Hutcherson? The bastard who throws up on everyone? Nice. At least I get to leave whenever I want. Hopefully this party gets here fast so I can get it over with. His smile is to die for though he wouldn't go for a girl like me anyway, his ex-best friend. I wouldn't allow it though.

Austin walks in and asks me, "Catherine, will you take the dog out for a walk today?" 

"Sure."  I walk to the backyard and get our cocker spaniel Rocky and his leash, I run up stairs to my room to get my phone and iPod. I bring my credit card and car keys just incase if I get something from jamba juice or something. 

Thirty minutes pass by of walking Rocky in the Beverly Hills neighborhood so I head home and get something to eat for myself. I drive into town and stop at one red light. Bored, I look to the next drier to me and I see the one and only, Josh Hutcherson snogging with what seems to dress like a slut, slut. She has dyed platinum blonde hair with pink extensions, high waisted shorts, and a bunch of piercings you don't know where to relocate her face. I'm not one to judge but it's simple and easy. I don't panic though because I've seen him around the city and he's famous, so how will I avoid him? Exactly. But it bothers me how much of a party animal he is. The green light beams brightly and I quickly drive away out of the scene. 

As far as I go, his car is right behind me which freaks me out. He doesn't acknowledge anyone who doesn't have a shirt worth a $100 or designer shoes so why would he do this? I drive for another hour trying to get rid of him and I get tired so I make my way to the freeway and drive to Anaheim. The only person who understands me in this Hollywood wasteland is my 11 year old cousin Tara. Yeah she's eleven but her dad, my uncle, is a 12 time award winning director. I can't wait to vent to an 11-year-old. Every 18 year old's dream.

 I make it to my uncle's house and park in their driveway.

"ELLY!" Tara scream as she runs and jumps into my arms.

"TATAY!" I return and squeeze her tight.

"Uncle Sam!" I smile big at him as I let go Tara's embrace and enter my Uncle Sam's.

"Hey Mitch." He says and we sit on the porch as he sends Tara to play with the neighbor's kids.

"How's your mom and everyone else?" He asks.

"Mom has lowered her alcohol supplements and Austin and Tyler act like it's nothing."

"They care, ya know."

"Sure. They care when she's not bugging their asses about money or gas. They care when I take care of her. Just because they're movie stars does not mean they can lack on their personal life."

"That's the same thing your mother said when they starred in their first movie and stopped cleaning their rooms." He laughs and turns to the sunset.

"I can't wait to graduate and publish my book." I bring up.

"And I can't wait to make a movie about it."

A few hours pass quickly and I play with Tara and the neighbor's kids and now it's time for me to go home.

"i think it's time for me to go." I whisper since Tara fell asleep on the couch and I try to get up trying not to wake her.

"Bye Uncle Sam, I'll see you soon."  He hands me a 100$ bill and i try to give it back but he denies it like always.

"I don't need it." 

"By the car, it says you do. Now take it, it's getting late."

"Thanks Uncle Sam." As I drive out of the driveway I make my way to a local gas station and start to fill my car with gas and my phone begins to ring Tyler's personal ringtone from Kid CuDi's 'Mr. Rager'  and the caller ID clarifies him as 'Tyleeeeezy'

"What's up, Ty?"

"Hey El, can you bring back home some pepperoni pizza and I'll pay you back when you get home?"

I can hear Austin and another male voice but can't imagine who it is.

"Alright sure." 


The line went dead but before it did, Josh had that spring of squeaky when they're drinking.

It was Josh, grrrrrrrrreeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaattttttttttt.

'The Sting' -Josh Hutcherson Fanfiction. [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now