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Chapter 23, Josh's POV.

Maybe this is where I need to be. Not making movies, traveling all the time, sharing a condo with my best friend. But I love what I do. Acting is my life but so is Michelle. I won't let her go and I won't give up on doing what I love. I've worked too hard to get to where I am. She has to put in her half if she wants me to do so as well. I just have to let her know, maybe not right now as she is sleeping. I should give a few days since she's gotten into that fight with her dad. But how long was I separated from her to even forget?

It's 7:48 AM and I'm awake. Thinking of how I'll tell her that I want to be with her. It's upsetting that everyone will be able to tell I didn't sleep at all last night. She hasn't even moved from the position she fell asleep in.

Oh crap, I have to pee. I creep out of the bed and to the bathroom, making sure she's asleep.

Michelle's POV:

Oh, how lovely is it to wake up to the pee going into the toilet?

"Why do you pee so loudly?!" I yell, knowing it's Josh.

"Oh ya know." He finishes off with a smirk, though I can't see it doesn't mean his voice doesn't change along with a slight chuckle.

I lay on my stomach, face in the pillow. His weight makes the bed jump as he hops on the bed violently.

"What are we doing today, muffin?" He asks, rubbing my back slowly.

"I don't know. And that muffin nickname is a bit weird. It makes me think of old men who sit outside their porch eating seeds, staring at an ass of a young female jogger." I laugh, facing him.

"Well I'll be the old man as long as you're the jogger in short shorts and a training bra."

"Um, no!" I laugh, "Why would I get all cute for an old guy?"

"Yeah, that's weird." He frowns. "Well what are we doing today?"

I twist my lips in question, "I don't know. I was thinking we can sleep all day."

He smiles and loks up at the ceiling, "As much as I'd love to, we can't."


"You have to see your mom today."

What. The. Fuck.

"No. Why should I?" I turn my back to him, facing a lamp.

"Why not?" Of course I'd get stuck with the optimistically beautiful motherfucker.

"Because I don't want to nor do I have to so I am not going."

"So you're going to skip your mom's birthday dinner and a chance to see Austin and Tyler? Ok, makes perfect sense to me."

His sarcasm was dripping off his tongue into my ears with a hint of guilt flowing through my veins. Well, I haven't seen mom in awhile and I have to admit that I miss her. A lot. Though she wasn't the greatest mom when it comes to being a loving, non super-ficial mom caught up in the world of Hollyweird and divorce, I was grateful to have her.

A part of me won't let her go after all that she's done to me.

She's done a lot for me as well.

"Fine. I'll go. As long as you promise me that if she brings up any term to begin an argument, we're getting the fuck out of there."

"As long as you brush your teeth, I will fulfill my promise." He smirked.

"Shut up!" I laugh and run to the bathroom, smiling.

Now how the fuck am I gonna keep my mouth from spilling something I don't want to?

Josh's POV

I finally got her to agree to come to her "mom's" party. It's really hers but we obviously need a cover up. I finally get to give her a welcome home party hosted by yours truly.

Her favorite people would be there too. My family, her family incuding cousins and aunts and uncles and her favorite person ever, the person she'd kill for, die for, absolutely anything will be there, Tara.

I can't wait to see her face. It's perfect. Now I have to keep her busy with one of my lady friends, Vanessa Hudgens, on her side.

Did I mention her favorite people will be there? Like not just regular family, but my celebrity friends. I just had to take a look at her old room's posters, playlist and movie collection.

She'll love this.

And hopefully see that I haven't forgotten about her.

Author's note: OMFG I'M BACK!!!!! I missed writing SO fucking much but school has been CRAZY. I'll slowly get back to writing and hopefully swing right into my regular postings. Well, I'm back and more fan fics to come! I missed you guys! Can't wait to write for you all again. :)

'The Sting' -Josh Hutcherson Fanfiction. [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now