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"Oh you must be the new student y/n, I'm your teacher and it'll be a pleasure having you in our class" a man with a thick mustache and glasses said.

I nodded and walked to the last seat in the classroom. It was all the way in the back. I quickly sat down and pulled out my sketch book and drew.

Momma says that drawing would help bring back my memory and that's all I do, everyday.

Eyes from all around the classroom were on me. Most of them looked back at the teacher while 6 pairs of eyes continued to look at me.

I don't like being stared at.

"Hey, stop looking at the new girl and pay attention" the teacher yelled. It made me jump. My old family used to yell at me a lot too.

I don't like yelling either.

I focused on the teacher as I secretly held my hand up. He walked over to his cup of coffee and poured it on him.

His yell filled the classroom while the other people looked at him in shock.

I wiped the blood coming from my nose before anyone could notice. The teacher calmed down and grabbed paper towels.

"I don't know what happened, it felt like someone was controlling me" he stated while dabbing his shirt.

I looked over at the people who were previously looking at me. Their mouths were wide open as they stared at me with bucked eyes.

Shit, they caught me.

I quickly looked away and acted as if nothing happened. They continued to stare at me for most of the class but i would act like I didn't notice.

A loud ding echoed through the building. Everyone was getting up so I ran out the classroom catching everyone's attention.

"She must be in a rush" I heard someone say. I continued to run, not knowing where I'm going.

I heard the sound of people running behind me. I turned around to see the same faces. They must want to hurt me.

I quickly turned down an empty hallway and shape shifted into a trash can.

"Where did she go that quick" a curly haired boy said. "She turned here I swear" a redhead said.

"I swear, she seems familiar" I short haired girl said. She did seem familiar but I couldn't think of it.

My power was draining out, I couldn't only shape shift for a couple of seconds. My breathing increased as they still continued to look around.

"I guess we can't find her, maybe she'll be in our next class" the curly haired boy said as he ate a candy bar and threw in on me.

That caused me to morph back into myself. "HOLY SHIT" he said as he fell backwards crawling back to his people.

There eyes widened once they saw me on the ground with a wrapper on my head. "S-s-she was the t-t-trash can" he stuttered out.

"You scared the shit outta me" he continued as he was catching his breath.

They started walking closer to me. I got scared again and teleported behind them.

"Where did she-" a dark skinned boy said. They all turned around. The familiar looking girl walked closer to me.

"Don't worry, we won't hurt you" she said. I was still scared. "You have powers" she said. I shook my head hoping they would believe it but they already saw me do a lot of things.

"It's ok, I have powers too" she said as she raised her sleeve up showing me her mark


My eyes widened. I raised my sleeve and showed her my mark.

"Sister?" I asked and she nodded . She pulled me in for a hug.

"Um" someone said awkwardly behind her. "Oh these are my friends, Mike, Will, Lucas, Dustin and Max, My name is Jane" he said as she pointed to the group of people.

"Y/n" I whispered to her. "Her name is y/n or 007" Jane said so everyone could hear.

That boy mike was staring at me hard. My eyes met up with his brown once. He looked away and so did I.

My first day here and 6 people already know that I'm special.

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