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Y/n pov

I slowly woke up and felt coldness on my head. I looked around to see Mike holding a ice pack on my head. Just like last time when I passed out when I first met them.

"M-mike" I said breaking his stare at the Tv. "Your awake, Y/N'S AWAKE" he yelled causing everyone to look at me.

He pulled me into a tight hug as I felt tears on my shoulder. Everyone in the party surrounded me except Jane.

That caused me to break the hug, I hated seeing Jane mad at me. "What's wrong" Mike said and I ignored him.

I limped over to Jane. The toxic look started to drain from her face. "sorry" I mumbled on loud enough for her to hear.

She continued to look at me. I could tell she was tired. Her red eyes, blood stained face showed it.

I felt her pulled me into a hug as she said something to me in our heads. "I thought we lost you again" she said.

Without any hesitation, I hugged back.

"You two are the most strongest girls I've ever seen" Hopper piped in. We both softly smiled at him as we broke the hug.

I looked down at my stitched up arm and ran my hand across it. I felt a tingle go to my hand and I pushed down on the stitches. When I moved them, they were gone.

My eyes popped out of my head, so did everyone's else's. "Did she just heal herself" Max said and no one answered.

To test this theory, I picked up a broken piece of glass off the floor that I've previously broken from the window.

I bit down on my lip to reduce the pain as I jammed the glass into my arm. Everyone gathered around me.

"Are you trying to kill yourself kid" Steve said and I glanced at him and back at the glass.

I quickly pulled it out and grabbed my bloody arm in pain. Mike stood in front of me holding my arm asking if I was ok while Jane stood there with big eyes.

I put my hand over the spot and lifted it up to see my wound not there anymore. I smiled as I looked around the room.

"What was that" Mike said as he got closer to me. Then I remembered.

"I gain a new power when I have a near-death experience" I said and Dustin spoke up.

"That's so cool" he said.

"Now that doesn't mean you can go stabbing yourself anytime you want" Hopper said and I giggled.

"Y/N!" Will said as he ran up to hug me. He was still in the hospital gown and he just woken up.

"Hey will" I said as I hugged back. I was glad to see him happy again. I hated seeing this sweet boy in pain.

He soon let go and have everyone else a hug. Seeing everyone with happy faces made me happy.

I gave El another hug as Hopper ruffled our hair.

/Back at home/

"So you remember everything that happened to you now" Hopper said and I nodded. He continued to ask me questions and now I could fully answer them.

"Ok kid, go to bed we got a lot to catch up on" Hopper said as he gave me a hug. "Goodnight" i said and I walk to El and I's room.

She was holding a dress once she saw me. "Oh I was getting a dress for you to wear to the second annual snow ball on Friday" she spoke.

It was a beautiful floral dress that ended at the calfs

"Thank you so much" I said as I held the dress in my hands and admired it

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"Thank you so much" I said as I held the dress in my hands and admired it.

"But aren't you gonna go?" I question and she shyly shook her head. "No one asked me to go with them" she said.

"You don't need anyone to ask you to the dance, just come anyway" I said but she looked at me unsurely.

"I wouldn't want to hold you guys back, it's ok go have fun" she said ending with a small but fake smile.

"El I'm not going without you so we better get you a dress ASAP" I said and she sighed.

"Fine" she said with a giggle.

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