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Classes went by quickly. Surprisingly it wasn't hard for me. I knew exactly what to do.

I walked into the big room filled with kids and they were eating. "Over here" I heard Dustin say.

My eyes cut over to everyone at the table. I walked over to them and they all greeted me.

I still didn't start normal conversations. The only one I had was with Will,Jane and Mike. I felt like I could have a full conversation with them.

They were all eating food from trays while I drew in my book.

"Not hungry?" Max asked. I shook my head. As I looked over, I saw Jane and Mike touching each other with their lips.

I poked Will and pointed at them. "Oh their kissing again" he sighed.

"Kissing?" I said and he gave me a confused look. "Kissing is what people do when they love each other" he explained and I nodded.

Friends love each other

I pulled Will by his face and touched our lips together. The whole table gasped. "OH MY GOD" Dustin said as we pulled away.

Jane Started laughing while everyone looked at us with bug eyes. "holy cow y/n" Max said as she patted my back.

I looked over to see a red face Will. My eyes popped out of my head.

"DID I HURT YOU?!" I said holding his shoulders. "No he's blushing because he liked it" Lucas said.

He gave me a small smile and I gave him an awkward one and sat back down.

Out of the corner of my eye, I seen a mad Mike. I wonder what's his problem, he's the one that told me Friends love each other and Will said Kissing is what people do when they love each other.

The rest of the day went by quickly. The whole group were outside. Before I walked to them, I over heard what they were talking about.

"I don't think she should be in the group" Mike said and everyone looked at him. "Why is that" Dustin said.

"You know the rules, everyone knows rules and we can't take anymore people" Mike said.

"That's not fair" Will jumped in. "Max is in the group now and so is eleven" he continued.

"That's different-" Mike said before he was cut off.

"How is it different, she's elevens sister she basically HAS to be in the group" Will said getting angry.

Everyone nodded their head in agreement except Jane and Mike.

"Don't bring El in this" Mike said walking up to Will.

"Sorry Mike but your being irrational, and Will does have a point" Dustin said.

"I don't care if he has a point, she's just gonna cause trouble, she can control minds, teleport and shape shift, for all we know she's probably not even real" Mike said looking at everyone.

I felt hot tears come down my cheek. I cause trouble. He's right, that's why I moved.

"What ever this is stupid" Will said sighing. Lucas Dustin and Max nodded.

"Can't you see I'm trying to protect us-" Mike said. "From what! She's already scared about everything and you want to leave her out" Will said.

Mike rolled his eyes. "If it was El then we wouldn't be having this conversation" Will continued.

"I said LEAVE EL OUT OF THIS" Mike said pushing Will on the ground.

He hurt his friend, Friends love each other.

I held my hand up and Mike stared choking. Everyone's eyes darted to me as the blood seeped through my nose.

"Y/N STOP" everyone continued to yell. I felt myself getting light headed as I let go. Mike gasped for air.

"What the hell" he managed to get out while catching his breath.

"Friends love each other, your not friend" I said wiped the blood out my nose.

Everyone had surprised faces except Jane/El. She gave me The meanest look ever.

"Friends don't hurt other friends" she said as she drew her hand up. I felt myself being lifted into the air.

I managed to pull up my hand and controlled her. She dropped me down and gasped for air. We both fell to the floor.

Everyone ran to her, however I felt myself blacking out.

Their not friends

"Guys, she's about to pass out" Max said pointing at me. Everyone stared walking towards me but I put my hands over my head and screamed.

It got harder to breathe.

Lies lies lies

When Dustin touched me, I vanished.

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