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They guided me to everywhere I needed to go until school was over.

"We are going to hangout at Mikes place, we do this everyday" Jane said. I nodded. This was my one chance on having real friends.

They wait for me to ask my mom if I could come.

"Momma, I just made some friends and they invited me to their house, can I go" I asked sweetly.

"Ok, I'm glad that you did make friends" she said and pulled me in for a hug. With that she left.

I walked back over to the group and I saw Jane all hugged up. I felt a knot form in my throat. I thought something was stuck in there so I coughed, harder each time.

"Are you choking" Dustin asked as he patted my back. I shook my head. I've never felt that feeling before, it was weird.

They all hopped on their bikes. Jane on Mikes and Max on Lucas's. I awkwardly stood there.

"You can get on the back of mines" Will said. I gave him small smile as I sat with him. Dustin glared at him and he laughed.

I was beyond scared. I never rode on a bike before. I felt myself wrap my arms tightly around Will's torso. My eyes were closed for the whole time.

I felt the bike come to a halt. I unscrewed my arms from him and laid on the grass with my eyes still closed.

"I guess she's never rode a bike before" Dustin said. I opened my eyes to see the group of kids surrounded me.

"So what things can you do" Max asked. All I did was make Dustin keep slapping himself. Everyone broke out into fits of laughter.

"What else" she asked. Next I morphed into Dustin making everyone eyes pop out of their heads.

"Is that all" she asked again. I felt myself getting light headed as the blood dripped from my nose.

I grabbed my head in pain as I felt dizzy. "Guys, I think we're hurting her" mike said.

But I wanted to show them what I could do.

I teleported behind them and tapped Max's shoulder and teleported back to my previous spot before they could see me.

Now I was really dizzy.

"Wow that's so cool" was all I heard before I blacked out.

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